A Call to All United Methodists: A message from Bishop Bickerton

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"I want to call upon … the entirety of United Methodism today to begin to make a pivot," Bishop Bickerton begins. "I believe that it’s time … to initiate a conversation about what it is we want and dream about as a church moving forward. What do we see as the next expression of Methodism? What kind of church do we envision in the ongoing United Methodist Church?"
From Bishop Bickerton's address to the Council of Bishops , August 2022.

#umc #bishops #apostlescreed #mission #ministry #unitedmethodistchurch #unitedmethodistcommunications
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I have always loved my Church. I am 85 years old. Why would I stay in UMC when some want to eliminate the word Father? How would we repeat The Lord’s Prayer not saying Father, or changing Kingdom into Kindom? I will leave and not sit on the fence. Satan owns the fence! All sinners are welcome in Church, we are all sinners, but to flaunt sins and say it is good, is certainly not Christ like.
I will choose to follow Christ, not the world.


"This is the moment. These are the times."

What portion of this same speech could not have been given in 2005, 1995, or 1980? What portion of this beautifully written speech is relevant to the absolute destruction of the United Methodist Church that we see around us? Which of these words addresses the rebellion of the episcopal college, or the lawlessness of our several districts?

What moment is this?

Dear Bishop Bickerton,
The children can see that the emperor has no clothes. Why are you pretending his robe is beautiful?


How do you repair the damage from the lies and deception that the Bishops have created? Maybe if the Bishops who lied were forced to resign, maybe we could move forward as United Methodist.


Telling sinners ( all of us) that our sin is OK without regard to Biblical instruction, will be the basis for the death of the Methodist Church. When you deny the Bible is the Word of God, you destroy the foundation and the church will die.


We as Believers need to Uphold the Lords Biblical Truths. Repent and turn away from sin of all types. And to not allow ourselves to be Deceived by SATAN. Who is a Liar and a Master of Deception. We can’t Free others around Us. if we too are caught in the Snare of His Evil Talents. Pastors need to learn and Teach. From the Pulpit. Spiritual Defense tactics. We are in a Spiritual War. All of Us! Put on the Armor Of God. Pray for The Lords Hedge of Protection and


Consider asking Wesley what he thinks of your "next expression" of the UMC. It's really not fair to call a complete departure from Wesley the "next expression" when what you speak of is really an entirely new church altogether.


God has not opened a door to sin. Jesus told the sinners that they were forgiven and SIN NO MORE. The UMC is saying to the sinner, go and continue sinning. What now is the foundation of the Methodist Church if not the Bible? It is dead.


Come to the Orthodox Christian Church brothers and sisters. We resolutely refuse to change Christ's teachings to appease modernist sensibilities. The papacy as it has existed since the schism and the protestant reformation that took place because of it have gradually lead to all of this. Come home.


Beautiful platitudes, and I'm sure you mean well. But Bishop, we are walking through that open door. It leads to the Global Methodist Church. I, too, love the United Methodist Church. I wish I'd heard this call from bishops a half-century ago. I wish it had been a clear, unmistakable call, including Wesleyan specifics: a return to Scripture as our highest authority, to its high moral values, and to the top priority of evangelism. As it is, you command a sinking ship. If I were a liberal UM leader, and I were not in denial, I would not be able to live with myself, as I witness the destruction of the denomination I pledged to uphold, by my insistence on imposing upon it the leftist-LGBTQ agenda. No church whose leaders insist the Bible is wrong will stand. You might as well tell the Sun not to come up in the east. Your argument is not with conservatives, but with the laws of Nature, with common sense, with God Himself.


Have you asked Bishop
Oliveto to repent?


This Council of Bishops has led the UMC into apostasy. All discerning members should leave with haste.


Typical word salad. Words, words, words. Your actions have already spoken.


There right there is a problem. The church is not yours it's God's so he has to say what he wants done in the church not a group of leaders deciding what to do. Start from Revelation 2v5 "remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works; or else I will come uto thee quickly, and I will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent"


Consider studying the book “Think Like An Advanced Christian- BURKE.” Excellent Maturity.


I am a gay man. My local UMC has welcomed me in & it has changed my life.


Consider becoming Biblical Christians so you can worship God and fellowship at any time and in anyplace without a movement or organized religion.


You spent five minutes literally saying nothing.


Aman aman aman and aman again. That was beautiful. Let's go forward with ALL of God's people.


Holiness is correct 💯 every jot and tittle
