Unit Tests and Test Doubles like Mocks, Stubs & Fakes

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👉 We can't touch, smell or feel the software to ascertain its quality. We have to rely on Tests and Unit Tests plays the biggest role in the overall quality of the software
👆 This video contains easy to understand description about the Unit Tests and Test Doubles like Mocks, Stubs & Fakes.
👉 This video also explains how we MUST write Unit Tests and What all things we should know to write the effective unit test cases
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#unittest #unittesting #quality #softwarequality #python #java #cplusplus #javascript #scala #js #dotnet #webapp #mobileapps
👉 We can't touch, smell or feel the software to ascertain its quality. We have to rely on Tests and Unit Tests plays the biggest role in the overall quality of the software
👆 This video contains easy to understand description about the Unit Tests and Test Doubles like Mocks, Stubs & Fakes.
👉 This video also explains how we MUST write Unit Tests and What all things we should know to write the effective unit test cases
Feel free to check out and follow CodesBay @
Follow me on
#unittest #unittesting #quality #softwarequality #python #java #cplusplus #javascript #scala #js #dotnet #webapp #mobileapps
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