Zimbabwe on course to record bumper wheat harvest

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Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement Minister Anxious Masuka said this year’s winter wheat farming segment has performed exceptionally well compared to previous seasons, the state-run Chronicle reported on Monday.  “As you know that the highest ever produced wheat since the Land Reform program was about 164,000 tons and last year we achieved 90,000 tons. This year we are on course to achieve more tons because 190,000 tons have been delivered to GMB to date,” he said.  Masuka said the government was impressed by the progress the country has made so far towards achieving a self-sufficient status.  “So, the country is slowly regaining its production status and this is a clear indication that the Land Reform program is beginning to bear fruits. It was and is a worthwhile program that benefits the people and the country,” he said.  Zimbabwe’s Land Reform program, which began at the turn of the millennium, aimed at correcting colonial injustice by redistributing productive land from white-owned farms to more than 150,000 black farmers.  Wheat deliveries plummeted following the land reform exercise, but production has been on the increase due to government support for farmers.  Zimbabwe needs at least 400,000 tons of wheat annually to meet demand, and low wheat output has over the years forced the country to rely on imports.  The 250,000 tons expected to be delivered to GMB are enough to cover nine months’ supply and save the country at least 100 million U.S. dollars through import substitution. Post published in: Agriculture
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