The ONLY Harbor Guide You'll EVER NEED! - Valorant 2022 Agent Guide

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Harbour needs a buff. His QOVE is so easy to break and in high elo his moving wall will get spammed when used in tight places like C long on haven. Slow is so small and short that enemies won't even notice it.


I love harbor's utils, they are insanely useful. His walls are very long and they can curve around so covering ambush angles in a site is really easy and his cascade just makes rushing into a site a much easier job, his smoke also does an amazing job since it's really big and protects you like a temporary sage wall. The only 2 drawbacks that I'm not getting used to is that his walls just don't last long enough, like I want them to last 5 or 10 seconds longer, then they'd be great and I want him to have 2 smokes, cause unlike other agents who can use their smokes at least 2 times, he can't and I think it would be perfect if he could have 2 smokes. Other than that I think his cascade ability is perfect and I think it works great for what it's supposed to do


I love cutting off close areas with his Wall and Orb while the enemy pushes. A Judge and some unexpected Defender aggression gets a nice 2 or 3 to 1 trade.


Y'know I noticed how there's a small bunch of agents I rarely see being played, even though they can all be used to play in unique ways, although I do think harbor deserves a buff


I think it would be cool if cascade stunned you if you dare walk through it or be like a shield wall as well .


I am late, but a new harbor main.
Here is a buff idea.

- His wall gives decay damage or stun.
- His cove armor has more hp.
- His cove armor can block abilities from going through it (mollies.)
- His cascade lasts longer and gives decay damage or stun.
- His ult covers larger area and stuns people faster.

Maybe i might be overpowering him, maybe not.


i just watched this and did the sickest play ever with harbor on pearl, i walled b side and pushed up to the piller with a judge, i see enemy yorus clone passing by me, i let it go behind me and i peak with my judge, get a kill, slide over behind the pillar, turn around and kill the yoru clone so that the enemy gets flashed, turn around quick so i don't get flashed and get another double with the judge. Like using enemy's clone to flash them, i don't know how i thinked of that on the spot since i'm level 19 and i just started playing a week ago.
holy fcking 200 iq legend play, i'm so hyped this game is so fun


I think they should make the smoke stay up for around 3 seconds after thr shield is broken and also make the slow not affect teammates and also make the ultimate pop faster abd show locations of the geysers on the mini map and also make the slow effect last longer and slow to 50% movement speed and also apply the effect from a further distance than just the wall's width


Just got the guy. People way exaggerate how underpowered he is. He can single handedly take most sites, which is pretty great. The slow effect does affect teammates, but it really hardly makes a difference. It's more about blinding the enemy than making them slightly slower for three seconds. I think the slow effect is really only there to make you feel like you walked through water; it's not the point of his kit.


Personally harbour isnt to bad. If u know how to play him he helps you push and contest areas really. He mainly shines on retake and attack and yes he does need a buff but he is balanced so they need to be careful to not over buff him.


Definitely needs a buff. Walking through that wall really isn't that scary especially if they have a scan like sova, fade or viper. Somthing like a small blind or stun when walking through would make him viable imo


I think his kit is pretty good, I just would want his cove to last a little longer after broken and the slow to last a little more, but I’m biased


I like how u got kills with Spectre and Cant wait for Cypher Buff maybe next is his turn like how Yoru's happened


The only buff we need for him is slightly more slow and one more util either cascade or cove. So that he can be good.

Not saying I won't play him, a controller main needs to play his controllers


If you tap E again you can control where the harbor wall stops.


He needs to have bullet stops on at least two of his abilities not just his bubble his tall moving wall is best for that for the enemy team to push behind it onto a site with variable speed based if u move back while throwing it not at all or move forward would be so much better. In my opinion agents like all characters are defined by their ults and i would prefer him having a more unique one but hey


Harbor is actually not a bad agent, even though Google states that he is. If you can learn to curve his walls and use his utils at the right time, he can actually be really good. I am watching this video because I want to main Harbor and I found it very useful:))


I do not agree with harbor being a secondary controller. Harbor can do things all the other controllers can, like giving pathways to spike plants, delaying spike defuses using his Cascade, and additionally allowing the teammates to defuse the spike if we use lineups on his Q ability. Although he lacks control of the complete map and might need some buffs in the future (like allies not getting slowed), he is a promising agent, and you can probably solo queue him and get some good outplays if you have some game sense, instead of acting as an initiator and ability spamming. Remember that he has very less util and you need to conserve util for the entire round duration.


I love harbor i dont think hes is op but hes not meta yet either


Btw his ults speed is affected by your speed, just like a raze nade
