what i wish i knew before gcse art | studyingbutnotrlly

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↳hello! I'm Rebecca and I'm currently 16 y.o
↳a level student studying maths, art and physics
↳aspiring architect (as of now)
↳socially awkward introvert
You can really see how I was angry about the money I spent on GCSE art ahahah
I'll soon make a video on how to SURVIVE GCSE art if you have no escape and also a video on my GCSE experience once I get all my artwork back, which would be around October hopefully.
IG: @studyingbutnotrlly
↳hello! I'm Rebecca and I'm currently 16 y.o
↳a level student studying maths, art and physics
↳aspiring architect (as of now)
↳socially awkward introvert
You can really see how I was angry about the money I spent on GCSE art ahahah
I'll soon make a video on how to SURVIVE GCSE art if you have no escape and also a video on my GCSE experience once I get all my artwork back, which would be around October hopefully.
IG: @studyingbutnotrlly
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—I wish i knew💔,,Glm/Trend || fw
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