what i wish i knew before gcse art | studyingbutnotrlly

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↳hello! I'm Rebecca and I'm currently 16 y.o
↳a level student studying maths, art and physics
↳aspiring architect (as of now)
↳socially awkward introvert

You can really see how I was angry about the money I spent on GCSE art ahahah

I'll soon make a video on how to SURVIVE GCSE art if you have no escape and also a video on my GCSE experience once I get all my artwork back, which would be around October hopefully.
IG: @studyingbutnotrlly
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Our daughter has just completed her Art Exam. I have to admit, I hated seeing her so stressed out. Working long evenings, weekends and holidays. I just don't get our Education System. Stressing teens out is not Education. So many annotations. So thanks for sharing this video. I seriously don't know how teens do other subjects.


First tip:

“you will *DEFINITELY* regret it.”

Great words for someone who wants to choose art for a gcse- 💀


Any year 10s regretting their life choices? because same


Many people told me not to take it but it’s useful for my architecture future so let’s just live through it! 😂💞


I'll be doing a sketchbook tour when I get my work back from my school! x

edit: I've got them but unfortunately my laptop AND my sister's laptop is broken so it'll be a while until I can put up a video.

edit: so it's 2020 and i obviously still haven't uploaded it. i just bought my new laptop so I'll be back to making new videos in my spare time and so look forward to the sketchbook!! sorry for the wait everyone :(


i’ve been told not to take it and i took it anyways lmao anyways stream fancy🔄🤟↗️🤟


I’m currently in year 11 and I chose GCSE Art. Personally, it’s been great as I genuinely have a love for Art so I didn’t find the course hard but this will vary depending on you personally. GCSE Art is very time consuming so, definitely be prepared to put your heart and soul into it and put in the work as it’s a lot to do with detail, annotations and the quality of each piece. I spent almost all of my time working on Art and I’m predicted a step 9 . Just like any other subject you have to work hard and manage your time well to get good results.

Feel free to ask any questions❤️


I’m starting GCSE art this year and I can already see my fail in year 11🤦🏻‍♀️ My Asian parents aren’t gonna be happy with them prices *-*


I am in yr 8 and doing GCSEs this September. We have to chose our subjects now but luckily our school will give you a taster in yr 9 like studying every type of art then in yr 10 we can chose a specific area to work on. I am planning on working specifically on animation/digital art


sorry I was vibing to twice, what did u say?


no hate but like some people enjoy art. like i’m in year 8 going into 9 and i chose art knowing all this because i am interested in it. and like when people say don’t choose it i’m like :(


I picked art gcse and rlly regretting it 🎉🎉 low key excited to fail 🤙🤙
Also this vid was rlly helpful xx


I feel like i don't actually learn anything from art gcse. It just feels like I'm getting asked to do hours of work with no help or advice.
I thought i would learn how to be a better artist, instead i just realized i was shit at art and that everyone else could do incredible art with no effort while i would spend hours only to produce something crap


I don't understand why people tell me that i'd regret it because the work load and how long I have to sit and draw ext... I already do that on a daily FOR FUN. I absolutely love art and i already stay up late drawing usually it takes me 3-10 hours or even days. That's why I'm looking forward to art GCSE I love art and this it'll give me even more of an excuse to spend ours just drawing/painting ext.. I get that it may be stressful but i'm sure i'm going to enjoy it the more people tell me that i'd regret it the more I want to pick it. B^)


“ or I’m going to be kicked out of this Asian house hold” HAH mood 😭


As a GCSE art student, I LOVE art!! It just depends what school you go to. And keep in mind that having a good teacher makes all the difference!


i’m doing design and fine art

i think i gave myself a death wish


i am taking gcse art and textiles can confirm i regret it


Hi I was wondering if I should take art, but like lots of people are saying how difficult it really is, act is not really going to help me for my future career, ( I would like to go into medicine) but I do love art and think I am average, any tips?


i swear everything you said i can relate to
