These 3 Facts Signal the Biggest Drop in Living Standards Coming

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With inflation going wild, many are still unable to pay their debt. The cost of goods is accelerating faster than their ability to earn. The real estate sector is on red alert. The U.S. consumer is maxed out. They need more stimulus in order to continue this economy. And of course, stocks need their artificial boost as well. The U.S. consumer is maxed out. Consumer sentiment is down heavily. Real estate continues to increase in price right now as we see low interest rates keep this going. There is upward pressure on markets right now globally because of the inflation of the money supply. As a result, we are finding prices of just about everything being higher. Money, cash, debt is coming into the markets at this time finding its way into stocks, bonds, real estate. Social security is running out of money. Pension funds are not keeping up with inflation. Natural gas and crude oil prices are rising as well as all energy and food prices. Commodities are rising higher including oil, crude oil. Some believe there will be inflation while others suggest stagflation, and others suggest deflation. Inflation resulted in food prices rising, electricity, energy prices.





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The Money GPS is the most active, most informative channel in the financial world. Day after day, breaking down the data and making it easy to understand. This channel is not here to help build a portfolio, give stock picks, or financial advice. It's simply data that is generally not found through conventional means.
#money #inflation #investing

Music Provided by Skip Fearless
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Lost my power for 2 days with the freezing rain and trees coming down left, right and center. 1F low with high 27F. So happy I’ve been preparing and having multiple sources of energy, heat and water. Coworkers who weren’t prepared and whom I’ve told 2 plus years prior what they needed, freaked out. They thought nothing would ever happen that would cause them to not have access to food, water, heat, electric, protection and such. They now said they will be putting their discretion spending to being prepared because they realize there is no one to help.


We lowered our lifestyle during the great recession and never changed as we discovered that it's the best way to live. All our meals are made from scratch for the best food at the lowest price, no junk food, soda, booze etc, and money out the wazoo because our lifestyle is so inexpensive. We're only using 7.5 gallons of gas/month these days because we make good use of every trip. Today we're going into town as the pooch has his 6 month vet appointment and while they're checking him over we're hitting the library, post office, butcher and grocery store to pick up a few sale items. It's a lot to get done for just under $2 of 100% gasoline (no ethanol). I'm looking forward to the interest rate rise as well as a market downturn to pick up some bargains. Other than that, nothing ever changes as our wonderfully frugal lifestyle transcends all disruptions. Cheers!


I have been following your channel for quite some time now, and I love the fact that you provide your sources which adds a scholarly contact to your channel. Keep up the great work, and the great reporting, and I will continue to follow you. Great job!


I work for a large mortgage lender… rates are definitely already going up…. It’s getting to a point where it’s almost no longer worthy refinancing.. the problem is that property values are still sky high… hard times ahead for sure


David, even your hair seems shocked and frightened by what’s going on in the world. Keep bringing us the truth as scary as it is. I have trusted you as a source of economic truth for years and I’m sticking with you no matter how bad it gets… because you’ve been warning us to get ready for it without any sugarcoating. Much appreciation 🙏🏼


What gets me is how the main stream press keeps putting out lies about how great the economy is. And so many people still believe the lies.


Just had a long conversation with my very financially smart buddy. We talked what the great divide the pandemic caused. Out of America's 110 million households. Talking just monthly living housing and food expenses (the biggest chunk of life cost - roughly 50%).
30 million = very little change (these are mostly older with paid off or almost paid off homes and no kid expenses)
30 million = Saved $500 - $1, 000 a month (they lowered their mortgage payment and are single or dinks)
20 million = Very little change (house savings of $500 - $1, 000 offset by increased utilities and food costs for family)
30 million = COMPLETELY DESTROYED - These are renters single and with families. Their rent has gone up 20% - 50%. Utilities up 20%+ and Food up 30%+. This group is on the brink. Renters are generally not prepared to have life cost $1, 000 to $2, 000 more per month.
All of This Doesn't Even Factor Car Prices and Gas Prices!!!


I live in the U.K. house prices going up, rents going up, food prices going up, energy going up, parking going up and now they talking about charging us for every mile we drive. People are hunkering down now. Some stores are doing well others will be finished. We will have have higher inflation and rates will have to go up. My feeling is this will go on longer than we think. All by design of course.


Most important thing to do on this Earth is to take care of yourself first. The last thing anyone needs right now is to have to take on the responsibility of caring for someone else because that person wanted to gorge themselves with unhealthy foods, or smoke, or drink!! Take care of yourself first that way if another who also took care of themselves either ages, or gets sick due to no fault of their own, you can care for them!!
be considerate - especially during these trying times!!


The early signs of this drop in living standards are already evident in South Africa. All of a sudden power cuts and "faults" are more frequent. Food prices are increasing like nobody's business and everyone is acting as if 2022 is going to be a great year 🤦🏾‍♂️


I have been so ridiculed for being a prepper that I will rather go to hell than hand over a can of beans to one of these ridiculers when the day comes and they stand there begging.


the 70s into the 80s was similar if not worse, and has only degraded from there. I grew up at a time mostly one person worked, and you still had a house, car and could take that vacation yearly. Then it went to two people having to work, to people having 1-1/2 jobs each to try and keep up with a former living standard.. now most folks have already given up any thought of that once american dream. I suppose that could be good or bad.


I'm not looking forward to my electric bill after this deep freeze storm!
Jan 2021 15¢ kwh
Dec 2021 20¢ kwh
Jan 2022 25¢ kwh
Plus all the other charges, fees & taxes. I'm grateful I have my new zone mini split system. I saved $80 in gas probably closer to $150 at today's cost. Parents had bill was $180. Keep in mind we live in AR where the avg daily temp is 52°f.


“I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. “ -(KJV)
Get right with the Lord. Read His word. No man can save you from what is coming.


Hasn’t the underlying reason for corporate growth been stock buybacks? I CRUSHED the like button. Best Regards!


Another great video. I can listen while I hunt for trolls/scammers. I go through the comments of every video, and an automatic trigger is to see one with 12, 15, 20 comments. If the comment mentions something about "crypto", or "making more money than you ever thought possible", I drill down into the sub comments below that one, and 99 times out of 100, it has many testimonials about how folks made gigantic returns, by investing with a certain "so and so". Once I am assured they are a trolling spammer, it's off to the "report as spam" I go. I love the comments from the real people here and learn a lot from their input. However, I despise opportunistic dirt bags, who seek to fleece honest people out of their hard-earned money. I love the smell of reporting spammers in the morning. It smells like victory.


I noticed today that gasoline was $0.12 a gallon more than last week. I have been buying inexpensive cuts of meat. Cutting them up and making soup with them. Will definitely be utilizing the food I have in my refrigerators and freezers


South Africa is having electricity outages again. Over 2 hours per day for the last 4 or so days I think. I am not 100% sure as I am off the grid. Food prices are going up, corruption is rife, poverty is endemic. Interest rates are going up again next month. Oh and everything is fine and the economy is looking


You are right! you need to store things like food, etc. just in case. I have always thought that was a good idea. One thing: get rid of your pride! I always buy some good durable clothes, shoes, coats, etc from used clothing stores. I look fine. When my kids were at home I always made sure they had plenty of warm coats. I still do this. You don't have to go without. Stay warm and comfortable by buying used items. You will look great and you will save a ton of money you can use for emergencies etc. Good luck!


Deflation is in the dollar
You can buy less every day with the same amount.
