Nvidia's New Super-Computer Has Released A Terrifying Announcement To Humanity...

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Nvidia's New Super-Computer Has Released A Terrifying Code That Threatens Us ALL

Nvidia's new computer has issued a terrifying warning to all other computers. This bold move pushes technology to its limits and even beyond. Nvidia, which started in 1993 to improve video game graphics, has now become a major force in AI. By late 2023, Nvidia had sold 500,000 Hopper-based H100 accelerators, proving its dominance in the AI market. Why is Apple so terrified of going bankrupt after such massive projections from Nvidia? Let us reveal how these accelerators could leave the current computer power humiliated to its core.

This pioneering company is shaking up the tech world with its advanced AI chip technology. This tech isn't just pushing the boundaries of what current devices can do; it boldly claims to go even further.

By enhancing graphics, Nvidia helped make games more immersive, significantly improving the gaming experience for users around the world.
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All fine and good. But can it run Crysis?


When free is not cheap enough. Quite interesting 😀


I believe that when you advance tech, you advance humans. Let it be known, life is going to get better. Any counter claims are belligerent malarkey


ok but how many pieces of minecraft tnt can it handle in one session?


so in few months my 4090 will be like GTX 750 😂


The best i can do for that emerald is 3 bread


I'd buy this and still end up just playing RuneScape


Get rid of super computers, get a Quantum Computer.


Wow, thank you for all this info! Now I finally know which company to invest all my money in...if I had any.


1.8 Terrabytes per second ? lol ... I would like this in my CPU ... please NVIDIA xD


Great, Skynet Apocalypse, sponsored by the Nvidia.

Oh well, at least the image quality will be fantastic.


I hope AI can solve our Healthcare problem because our Healthcare is on the bottom yet our technology is on the top


I very in-depth look at the past, current position of NVDIA for some that many not understand the journey and why NVIDA is now the leader in rhe compute area of GPU’s. Some may remember a similar rise is the late 80s of INTEL with the advancement of CPUs. This reminds me of a similar path. Right now focus is on the Enterprise but I believe in the next year we will see the transformation in PC and mobile devices. If you recall the INTEL run was for a decade and we are early on in the CPU break out. History does repeat itself just go back and educate yourself if you didn’t live in that area!


1-3 years from
5 years from now the world may change for the better or worse....


We gamers are financing the end of the world, and you all saying that we never archive anything by playing video games.


They need to put one of those chips in a handheld gaming psp


Wow… wild! Their story will be up there with Apple, Microsoft, Google… all the greats. They are the investment of this decade.


Nvidia is just cashing in on Tech trends to make money now. They been doing that since Crypto Mining boom where they made their GPU hardware catering it to Crypto Mining and the game GPUs were just out of spec cut down versions of the better hardware built for Crypto Asynch computation. Then they moved on to the Ray Tracing trend and built those cores as accelerators getting it ready to transition to AI parallel computation workload with tensor cores being very adaptable for AI workloads. And their gamer fanatics just don't see that they are getting out of spec and cutdown versions of the best nvidia tech made for AI and they were gladly and willingly overpay for said cut down parts not specifically built for gaming anymore.

I don't blame them for adapting to the times and go where the industry markets take them. Thats just basic business practice. But they are not a gaming hardware company anymore as much as Amazon is not a online bookstore retailor lol People still don't see this and just eating up any doodoo they put it as cutdown parts and slap a gamer label on it and the fanatics buy it in a split second, literally a split sec during the GPU apocalypse 2020-2022. People need to realize, especially their gaming fanatics that they are not a gaming focused company anymore. 90% of their company value is not based on the gaming sector, its all business and industry sectors that gives them their majority profits.


all fun in games until the ai starts talking about wanting to eradicate the human race


Gonna mess around and make something you can't destroy
