Billy Carson Reveals Shocking New Evidence of a Lost City of Antarctica

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In August 1946, the respected US naval officer and explorer Admiral Richard Byrd, who was one of the first pilots to fly over the North and South Poles, organised Operation Highjump.In his diary, Admiral Byrd wrote about finding an entrance to the center of the Earth at the South Pole where he saw things that shouldn't be there. It was warm, and the area was lush and green, unlike the icy surface above. But that's just the start of his incredible story.
"This will rewrite human history!!"

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• We strongly encourage you to delve into the work of Graham Hancock and Billy Carson. You'll be astounded by the depth of knowledge this incredible human beings possesses. His contributions are not just informative, but truly eye-opening.

#billycarson #antarctica #grahamhancock

► ►Footage licensed through: Videoblocks & Filmpac
►Music from Audiojungle
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Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality financial educational videos and share these with our viewers.

1)This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)
2)This video is also used for teaching purposes.
3)It is transformative in nature.
4)I ONLY used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.

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Does anyone ever notice that what we see in movies is what is actually going on and reality but they just leak information out slowly😂


Truth really is stranger than fiction. We know really nothing about this world.


There is a lot more information available proving Antarctica was once vibrant with plants and animals.


In 1978 A friend and I had a Experience with what is called now String of Pearls configuration. Just lights to us until they saw us or knew we were talking about 1 dropped down and seemed to go through Both of us. Next thing I know is we're Running but loke my feet aren't touching the ground my hips were moving faster than possible. We both stopped running because I thought my heart would explode. My friend remembered many things that happened. If I asked him WTF happened to us he would cry uncontrollable. He went off the deep end and self deleted. But I still have flashes and Dreams of them doing stuff to him. I'm glad its just pictures, Flashes not like fluid memories. That I still have. The Truth is the Truth RIP R.B.B


I wasn't aware that Plutonium existed as a raw material. I was taught that it was a by product of nuclear reactors.


Pre flood people, angels and giants roamed the earth...


Thankyou Billy Carson for helping us to open our minds & keeping us informed. ❤


In lands of ice where secrets sleep,
Beneath the frost, in silence deep,
Billy Carson delves with daring flight,
Revealing realms veiled from sight.

Through whispers old, of Byrd's great quest,
Where mysteries lay in frozen rest,
A lost city hidden from the sun,
In Antarctica, where tales begun.

Graham Hancock's wisdom guides the way,
As history's veils begin to sway,
In August's chill, Operation Highjump,
Unveiling truths in hidden slump.

Admiral Byrd, with journal's ink,
Records a tale that makes us think,
Of warm oasis 'neath icy plains,
Where ancient echoes still remain.

Lush greenery where frost should reign,
A vision that defies the mundane,
In Carson's words, a truth untold,
A saga grand, a tale of old.

In this lost city, shadows dance,
Echoes of a forgotten romance,
Where civilizations long have slept,
In Antarctica's icy depth.

With every revelation found,
Human history takes a bound,
In Billy Carson's daring flight,
A beacon in the polar night.

So let us heed this stirring call,
And let our minds begin to sprawl,
For in the ice, a story waits,
To rewrite history's ancient gates.


Something happened to humanty that blew us back to the stone age.


6:10 in. Yes, they are finding things and if you look on Google Earth you can too. The ice and snow are melting at a rate where they can't blotch out enough areas popping up making them relatively easy to spot. I have so many compelling images. I got one of an actual pyramid in the Gobie desert, China.


Everything is blocked out on Google earth


Plutonium only occurs naturally in low concentrations and is unobservable except by very sensitive modern analytical techniques.


Nice video! Subbed!
The Why Files has done an amazing video about Antarctica recently with those similar theories. A must watch for those interested in the subject.


Has anyone else been interested and been following this Antarctica theory for like, well over a decade now? Is anyone else board of it? Every time a new video about Antarctica comes out, it's literally the same as every previous video, just worded differently! Banging on about Admiral Byrd and his diary.... Openings, inner earth, beings, strange Its all the same!
I've just Googled Billy Carson's Net Worth and its around $6 million.
Billy, stop talking about, you've made a hell of a lot of money by just talking about it. It's now time for you, with your fortune, to hire a plane with a pilot and prove what you are talking about.
There is literally nothing stopping you. You can easily afford it. It will finally put this subject to bed. Hire a plane, set up a live video feed and fly over Antarctica. No one will stop you.
Before someone brings up the famous Antarctic Treaty, does anyone one know what the actual Treaty stands for? Why and how would Billy Carson in a private plane be stopped? If he set off, live video feed, how would he be stopped? Do people actually believe that the military would shoot Billy Carson out of the sky, live on air? Not a chance they would! They would ask him to turn around, threaten him, but no way would they fire on him. Even if the Treaty was to stop air pollution from Billy's plane, what's worse, the fumes from Billy's plane, or Billy's plane crash landing and turning into a fireball after being shot out of the sky?
Talking about Admiral Byrd is boring now. Talking about Ice walls is boring now. Talking about secret openings into inner earth is boring now. There are people wealthy enough to show us all the truth, but choose not to. They just take our money by simply talking about it.
I can't afford to do it, but if I ever won big money, it would be the first thing I would do! It would end the Globe/Flat earth debate. It would end the Pyramids of Antarctica debate. It would end the Admiral Byrd legends... And all it would take is the cost of a plane & pilot, the cost of the equipment to set up the live feed and time - which is free.
No one would be shot out of the sky live on air.
If people like Carson just want to get wealthy by talking about it and not even trying to physically prove it, can't we the people set up a 'Go fund me' page to raise the costs ourselves? We'd be the biggest adventurers since the last great explorers! There has been no real explorer's since our great grandfather's times. Everything has nearly been explored already.
We could show the world what is really down there, instead of all this speculation. Which is getting


If this was true and this so xalled master was upset at humans using nuclear bombs than why has the US, Russia England and many other countries continued to set off nuclear tests almost up the the year 2000.


Hi okay Billy this was very good, 97% I know this 40 years ago, we need to see new picture of what is down in antarctica. Now that would be super good.


My father was in Antarctica three times he shared incredible information with me I didn't understand or believe it at the time.


They are flying around at night and day light hours every day i have many picts


Great video. Thank you, stuff I’ve thought but could never compile as good. 💯✌️


Operstion high jump was not an expedition they were going down to battle and got their butts handed to them so they bounced.
