We were Always Wrong About the Origin of the Pythagoras Theorem

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If wee sees Pythagoras theorem chronologically, we will find that Egyptian was the oldest one using this but didn't have any connection with mathematics, a second record we find on Mesopotamian clay tablet where we see the mathematic relationship between numbers. In the Indian version, we can see that Baudhayana proves this theorem with the help of area and finally Pythagoras who proved this theorem geometrically.

Who invented first it depends on what standard we are using. If you want to be really rigorous and (ask) who first totally understood even the proof of that then it would naturally be the Pythagoras.
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If we look at pythagohras pilosophy and plato philosophy it clearly shows that these ideas are taken from upnishads so pythagohras must have traveled india and many other countries


Read Graham Hancock's books: whoever built Angor Wat must have designed the pyramids. We all know that Angor wat is a Vishnu temple.


Pythagoras came to india, started a gurukul in Greece and his pupil help him establish the earth is round, 200 years later Alexander came and stole takshshila scriptures and with in 50 years, they found circumference of earth and concept of latitude
