Survivors’ tales of a massacre in Myanmar | BBC News

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It is notoriously difficult to piece together what is happening in Myanmar's civil war.

But the BBC has managed to construct a picture of what happened on the evening of 5 August through a series of exclusive interviews with more than a dozen Rohingya survivors who escaped to Bangladesh, and the videos they shared.

All of the survivors - unarmed Rohingya civilians - recount hearing many bombs exploding over a period of two hours.

While most described the bombs being dropped by drones, a weapon increasingly being used in Myanmar, some said they were hit by mortars and gunfire.

Survivors’ videos analysed by BBC Verify show the riverbank covered in bloodied bodies, many of them women and children.

There’s no verified count of the number of people killed, but multiple eyewitnesses have told the BBC they saw scores of bodies.

Survivors said they were attacked by the Arakan Army, one of the strongest insurgent groups in Myanmar which in recent months has driven the military out of nearly all of Rakhine State.

The AA declined to be interviewed but its spokesman Khaing Tukha denied the accusation and responded to the BBC’s questions with a statement which said “the incident did not occur in areas controlled by us”.

He also accused Rohingya activists of staging the massacre and falsely accusing the AA.

#Myanmar #BBCNews
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Not only Rohingyas but also all the people in Myanmar are at the unavoidable and horrific battle field. Please notice the hidden scene behind the curtain of SAC led by military junta.


This is a true form of racism... people are not cattle, even animals have more symphathy for us... may these victims rest in peace and hopefully not return to this hell


Both Arakan Army and Myanmar military army use drones. So you can't say only Arakan Army did that. It's so one-sided.


yet no one cries for them because America isn't involved and no one wants to yell at China apparently


Britain needs to do more to help Myanmar, these troubles started with the conditions the British placed on giving Burma its independence. Background is the British would only give independence to Burma if it remained united as Burma. Forcing people who don't want to remain together to remain together... Same thing the British did in Afghanistan, neither turned out well.

Problem was the ethnic states wanted to breakaway from Burma and everyone wanted independence from the British. Backdoor deal was made where the new Burma government would allow the ethnic states to breakaway 10yrs after gaining independence from Britain. The architect of that deal was Bogyoke (Aung San Suu Kyi's father). Problem was the Burmese military assassinated Bogyoke Aung San, took over and reneged on the deal to give independence to the ethnic states. That's why we have these many ethnic armies fighting for independence.


I'm glad Myanmar is getting media attention again. I hope Myanmar manages to sort things out.. I wish them peace! 🙏🙏🙏


Why are Rohingya the ones getting all the attention on the news when it comes to topic about Myanmar civil war? Every ethnic minority and ordinary citizens in Myanmar are suffered from the civil war as well.

Also why is everyone so sure it was AA. Both military junta and AA used drones and it is not like they can identify which side the drones are with naked eyes when they were hundreds of meters above.


Justice for helpless Rohingya people in Myanmar


Hundreds of innocent Rohingya people were massacred


Why dont u guys also contact AA? I wan to hear what they say.


But BBC, why now this has been happening for a period of time and where have u been.


To the people that beleave the arakan did this is a lie the Myanmar is at fault and are blameing them to the Myanmar Army the Rohingyas are not from Myanmar that may be true but they are still human beings


Shame on you!
Disgusting and distressing one-sided story.
Don't be so melodramatic!
I am Rakhine, and supporting Arakan Army. Arakan Army never does such kind of racism. The victims are attacked by ARSA, AS
but not Arakan Amy. ARSA, ASA are nutured by Myanmar Military Junta.
One good news is that BBC and western Media are caring about only Rohinga which the name itself doesn't exist, not Myanmar people who are experiencing suffering, Attack by missiles by Military Junta. I would suggest you going to the battlefield and just inquiring who is the culprit.


The cruelty of humans will never seize to amaze me.


Such atrocities for a beautiful place. What a heartbreaking story.


this attack might be the ARSA and Myanmar Military.Junta is always bombing any place where they lose.I think this is one sided story. No one talks about Maungdaw Refugees and MuslimIDPs in AA control area who need food and food aid.There is food starvation and lack of medicine in the Arakan state.


Make a better country for ALL in Myanmar.


As horrific and chilling as this is, the story and success of the Myanmar resistance is absolutely extraordinary. I hope they can be free from the Junta and their collaborators for ever (looking at you Aung San Suu Kee)


ok when is next side of story coming BBC??


Hey people, pay attention to what they are saying. This was done by the Arakan Army, one of the rebel armies fighting against the Myanmar army (Tatmadaw). I am not defending the Myanmar Army, but this was not the Myanmar army, it was the Arakan Army, a rebel army that is often celebrated by western media. This is racism from all sides.
