Professional Vocal Warmup 3 - 'Improving Vocal Tone (Freeing The Throat)'

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"If you're gonna look stupid, look all the way stupid!" -One of the best quotes I've ever heard.


To whom it may concern (I know that this is not ALL of you): Guys, please stop asking for my permission for you to do these exercises incorrectly.  I've never before seen so many people so ready to quit as soon as they're met with the slightest challenge.  As I clearly stated in the video, your jaw should NOT move on the "Yah-Yah"! It is NOT acceptable for it to move. I don't know how else to say it.  The directions won't change, just because you ask me, "Hey Eric! is it ok if my jaw moves?".    If it is difficult for you, then you simply need to practice that much more! There is no magical secret to this; the exercise just takes good old fashioned practice.  Some of you need to exercise a bit more patience.  Progress is not always instant.  Some of these exercises and techniques involve you using muscles in ways that you've never used them before.  So it's ok to not be perfect right off the bat; cut yourself some slack here.  But, at the same time, don't settle for mediocrity.  Each day, you should find yourself getting gradually better and better.  It doesn't have to be perfect now (i.e. unwanted jaw movement), but it should get better each day.  Don't give up, just because it's not effortless.  Sometimes we have to work for it.  C'mon guys! Work!


I think my neighbors finally think I've gone insane.


Exercises explained at 1:37, but start at 9:12 for those who are here often 😊


These videos are free? This is just awesome!


9:08 for people who come to the exercises often like me!


"If you sound good, you're probably doing it wrong" - Epic insults never go out of style


For anyone who wants to know
Im four months into watching these videos. Always coming back for refreshers and trust me if you’re consistent you will be so happy and your world changes in singing. Some might think duh 🙄 but keep coming back to the video
Good luck
God bless you.


I've always had a 'quiet' voice, and when talking or singing I always felt as if there were a 'sheet' over my voice and when I tried to go past the sheet I would crack, squeak or loose my voice. This has really helped remove that sheet and allow me to be confident with my voice, I'm stronger and louder without trying after these. I sing a lot more now because I enjoy the reliability, even though I only started doing these so I could speak better.


your helping me so much! im 12 and i dream of being a singer but i have no singing classes or none of that in my area. im so thankful for your channel :)


I'm watching from Kenya in 2018! My wife came running to see what's happening to me. She almost fell over laughing at what I was doing. But it's helped me SO MUCH!


You're helping me practice so much. My voice had been going downhill since I wasn't in chorus anymore. THANK YOU 


When i finished this video my whole face felt like it was vibrating, lol.


I'm learning to sing for my girlfriend because I'm a hopeless romantic, and your videos are definitely my go to source for help. I'm so appreciative of your videos and I love how friendly and charismatic you are in the videos. I've been singing almost my whole life, but never to anyone else. So when I recorded my singing a few days ago, I realized how terrible I sound. Your videos have already made a difference that I can notice.

Thank you.


Im back here after doing these exercises for a month now. At first the yah yah exercise is so damn hard 😂 For 2 weeks i just cant get it right. My jaw keeps moving and i have no idea how to stop it so i decided to skip it 😂 But then after a month I have no idea how it happened but I can do it now. My jaw didnt move and my tongue just moves forward when i say yah yah. (Probably one of the most happiest moments of my life) Also these exercises are soo effective! Im not saying I ended up singing like Celine Dion or Whitney Houston but It's easier to sing now. I dont feel the burning sensation in my throat, im not stiff when i sing anymore, and before my voice is exhausted after singing 3 songs. My friends says i sound so relaxed and my voice was so calm unlike before. In other words I don't sound like a crying donkey anymore. Thank You so much for this videos! I love you!


God knows what my neighbors are thinking


Thank You On Behalf Of Everyone Who Benefited...God Bless You.


"This is kind of the season where people are catching colds."

How's that for a sock out punch? Welcome to COVID-19 folks.


had eustachian tube disorder and lost the ability to comfortably sing, came back to these videos daily and they have been more beneficial than sudofed, mucinex, or chiropractor and doctor visits. Realized I wasn't breathing properly or naturally. Remembered my routine of practicing along with these videos daily and am definitely not giving up the habit again. Thank you Eric!
