How to Make a Good First Impression on the Job - 6 Tips

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In this video, I’m going to explain how to make a good first impression on the job if you’re just starting a new job or with a new employer/company. If it’s going to be your first day on the job and you want to make an impression with your boss and co-workers, it’s important to know these 6 tips that I have to share with you. These aren’t only tips for first day of work or first day on the job, but also the first few months as you’re starting a new job and wanting to make a positive impression.

This video explains the 6 tips to enhancing your changes of making a good first impression on the job.

1. Spread your positive energy
2. Figure out the lay of the land
3. Ask good questions
4. Do your work well
5. Don’t be too demanding from the onset.
6. Don’t try to be too sweet.
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How to make a good first impression on the job // Which tip are you going to use?


last month I was watching your videos about interviews and now I'm watching this. It's first day at my new job today 👍🏻 Thanks Linda! Your videos are very helpful!


01:07 - Spread your positive energy!
02:26 - Figure out the lay of the land.
03:11 - Ask good questions.
05:38 - Do your work well.
06:25 - Don't be too demanding from the onset.
08:23 - Don't try to be too sweet.


#1 Spread a good energy
#2 Figure out the lay of the land
#3 Ask good questions
#4 Do your work well.
#5 Don't be too demanding from the onset
#6 Don't be too sweet


My tips:
- go to get coffee/tea with everyone.
- don't suggest changes before 2 weeks.
- get someone to summarize all the new employee must read stuff.
- get someone to introduce you the key personnel


Starting a new job tomorrow and found you! Thank you


I am starting my new job on Monday, and I like the "Dont be too sweet" tip. I always try to be overfriendly, and I end up looking weird and saying unnecessary things/jokes. I do not have this type of personality at all, and I need to apply this tip and be myself like you just said. :)


Beginning of 2018, I was unemployed and got an interview I didn't expect to get. Freaked out a bit and found this channel before my interview last week. Got called back and today I start my first job as a receptionist! Just came to thank you for the job you do!
#6 Don't be overly sweet. That is my main problem when I start a job and until now I never realized that might be what cause a majority of my stress at work. Time for a fresh start at work, so glad I watched this before my first day of training.
Thanks again! :)


I got hired because of your videos!! I had 5 interviews and finally landed the job because of your advice. It was an internal promotion. Thank you!!


Dear Linda I kept Getting interviews but no job offer. I watched your video on “how to ace your interview” my now boss hired me on the spot! I make more money and get more hours and like what I do’ thank you


Starting my new job as a case manager on 9/3/19. I will consciously work on the “too sweet” thing. This was perfect, thank you!


Last week I was watching your videos on acing the interview and exactly 6 days later I have the job I went for (dental receptionist) with absolutely no administration or medical related experience! I start tomorrow early in the morning. Thank you so much Linda! ❤️


I am about to start a new job that will put me in a management position for the first time. This video was very informative. I admit to being EXTREMELY nervous. I've never had an "upstairs" office before. For 30 years I've been a ground floor grunt. This is the first time I have gone "company".


Additional tip: Don't trust anybody.


Spreading the positive energy is always a great idea when introducing yourself or making a good first impression! Cheers!


Thanks Linda, your advice is spot on.I feel better armed for my first nervous day on the job.Another bit of advice someone gave me is not to give an opinion, unless your specifically asked.Opinions can get you into trouble very quickly.


I am to start my first job tomorrow.This helps a lot. I never watched the video on how to carry your self in an interview:i almost lost it.Thanks for this


Linda your videos are excellent, they helped me a lot to get a promotion at my workplace, the interview was difficult but your tips were ley form me getting the position, Thanks!


Hey, I was watching your previous videos on job interviews and now I am watching this video to prepare for my first day at work. Thank you and great videos!!


Starting new job tomorrow. Excited as well as good scared.lets hope everything turns out to be good. Good luck to me.
