Hard Truths - Movie Review

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Sometimes one haven't lived long enough or garnered enough life experiences especially from the lives of others in diverse groups to have a concrete opinion on the hard truths in life. The happily ever after ending people want which is usually termed 'healing' is not everybody's reality and that should always be in consideration in every life analysis.


As a Jamaican, I will say that there are definitely people like this from Jamaica. My aunt was like this, and any Jamaican would tell you that these folks exist. It's a weird kind of cultural emotional/mental health issue. They're allowed to go on and on and on and get worse and worse. They never change. Folks in Jamaica would say, "She is just miserable." A miserable person was a person you avoided because they stressed you out with their weirdness. I'm not sure why but it seems to be a Jamaican thing. Could it be a genetic issue combined with some biological or physical trauma. What ever it is, trust me, we learn to live with folks like this. Check with some of your Jamaican friends if you have any and you will see how common this character tends to be in Jamaican families and society.


I haven't seen the film yet, but from your description, you're describing a lot of Mike Leigh's films (to varying degrees). I'm personally excited because knowing his films, he often obfuscates character histories (SECRETS & LIES - Cynthia avoids answering the central question about how Hortense was conceived; LIFE IS SWEET - you never find out what exactly made Nicola's personality change; NAKED - Johnny's whole is existence is one big question mark). It is natural to have an inclination to want to get narrative closure in terms of satisfying endings regarding characters, but I think the beauty of Mike Leigh's films is that they plop you into the narrative without much exposition, and give you an episode in the life of its central characters. And to speak to Brother Bro's comment about not knowing a person like Pansy, or wanting some relief because her character is constantly suffering: I worked in metal health for many years as an administrative employee, and these kinds of persons are out there.


I feel like if Sally Hawkins missed out for Happy-Go-Lucky after winning awards from the major critics groups AND the Golden Globe, there's not much hope for MJB. But I'm sure she's wonderful


Unfortunately, some people can't heal themselves. I still want to see it


Sounds like a modern As Good As It Gets (which is 27 years old!)


Not the "why is the angry black woman so angry" take when the film explains exactly why she's acting like that. Hate the film all you want, but yeah, this review wasn't it at all.


I hope you guys choose to revisit this one. It's the flip side of Happy-Go-Lucky: Instead of what if we woke up every day determined to find joy, what if we woke up every day consumed with anger? It really speaks to our modern world - look at the political landscape right now. The humor is meant to be both cleverly hilarious and upsetting, because we understand that there is pain there under the surface. (I think we've all met people who have hilarious comebacks but seem to be wrestling with inner demons.) Much like Marsan was negativity responding to Poppy in Happy-Go-Lucky, here Michele Austin's sister is responding to this deep anger with a positive mindset. Pansy (Jean-Baptiste) is really facing an inner conflict and taking it out on all her relationships. Can she heal them? Are all of them worth healing? The final shot is perfect for me. I think the daring question here is why NOT wake up angry every day when the world can be infuriating. Poppy's choice of joy and Pansy's choice of anger are extremes, but both are asking who we decide to be every day.


If the campaign is done right, she can sweep like Cate Blanchett did with Blue Jasmine.


I completely understand your points of view, however, those have made me much more excited for the film.


People are just excited that maria jean baptise is working with mike leigh again. Secrets and lies is a very beloved film that has tood the test of time


Where is your review of Seeking Mavis Beacon? I’m looking forward to it. 🙂


Secrets and Lies was one of those movies I just absolutely loved.. but I was a child. lol What was I doing bonding to the movie Secrets and Lies. I also loved MB in The Crucible.


Thank you brothers broo about hard truth review❤❤❤♥♥♥


I met Mike Leigh at a special screening of Peterloo about 6 or 7 years ago
He was actually a really nasty piece of work & I'm surprised that he's still popular in the film industry circle


Im curious to know how this is diferent from naked, and if you liked naked more and why?


The way you guys describe Marianne Jean Baptiste's character in this film reminds me of Jack Lemmon's character from The Prisoner of Second Avenue. I wonder whether Mel Gibson's grumpy Santa Claus whom Jean Baptiste starred alongside in Fatman rubbed off on her.

Easy truth: Michelle Williams is the greatest actor of all-time.


I am rooting for her to win best actress


Yall need to think things through before posting a video. Not understanding why she's mad all the time is truly the why of the movie.


No County for Old Men just 'ended' and that was a Mega smash award wise so you two May be off.
It's called discussion after the film.
There was NO Resolution in the aforementioned Best Picture winner.
