Restore a Bleached or Faded Laminate Countertop - Rejuvenate

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Do not purchase Rejuvenate! The counter top faded back to what it looked like before in just a couple days. I jumped the gun making the video. GOOD NEWS though, I did find a way to fix the bleached out counter top and it was even cheaper. So, watch this video instead.
I apologize for miss leading anyone. when I posted the video, I believed that the product had worked.
Link for Rejuvenate on Amazon:
Restore a Bleached or Faded Laminate Countertop - Rejuvenate 4K
Have faded, etched or bleached laminate countertops?
Don't replace them just yet...
You can bring you counter top from completely destroyed back to almost new for less than 10 bucks!! This stuff (Rejuvenate) worked amazingly well. Rejuvenate restored my bleached and faded laminate countertop back to almost new again. I am now a believer. This product works!
Use Rejuvenate on formica counter top.
Hey YouTube Welcome Back to Rosco Reviews today I'm trying out a new product that I've never tried before it's called rejuvenate and it is to restore countertops it's supposed to work on any kind of countertop and I have a laminate countertop or a Formica countertop in one of my rental units that somebody has bleached really badly I don't know if they use some sort of cleaner with bleach in it or if they got toothpaste all over the counter or something but it's been discolored bad and even though I've already cleaned it it doesn't come off it doesn't restore back to the color that it should be so I'm hoping that by putting this rejuvenate on there that it will fill in the cracks like the microscopic cracks and restore it back to its original color to put this on you can use either a sponge or a paper towel and then to buff it off you're going to want to use a microfiber cloth the application process is basically the same as cleaning a glass top stove or waxing your car you're going to want to scrub it on there in circles and then let it dry and we're going to buff it off in circles so even though this has already been cleaned off with normal household cleaners there is just discoloration to it so let's try this out I'm going to do half of it and we'll compare it to the other half
I've smeared it on there now I'm going to let it dry and then I'll buff it off so far if it stays like that look then that is already way better than what we had before okay it seems pretty dry now so I'm going to go ahead and buff it off with my microfiber pad
and there it is there's the end result
the end result after one coat is night and day difference
that's a game changer and this this is dry so this is what it will look like after so that's after one coat on just this side I'm gonna go ahead and do this side and then I'm going to do one coat over the whole countertop to try to make it all match and have the same shine and we'll see if doing the second coat on here cleans it up even more
This second coat I put on a lot thicker so I'm going to see if that makes a difference with it on there kind of thick it took quite a while for it to dry but now that it's dry I'm going to buff off this final coat
All In All Is it new again maybe not quite but that is definitely possible this is this apartment is rent able again
this is how you restore a laminate countertop it's been all etched with cleaning supplies if you found this helpful please like And subscribe and we'll see you back here next time
Rosco Reviews
This description contains affiliate links. affiliate links help keep this channel running at no cost to you. So please use the links to find the proper supplies and tools to do the job right. Thank you for supporting our channel.
00:00 Introduction
01:02 one coat of Rejuvenate
02:15 second coat of Rejuvenate
02:52 Final Results
Do not purchase Rejuvenate! The counter top faded back to what it looked like before in just a couple days. I jumped the gun making the video. GOOD NEWS though, I did find a way to fix the bleached out counter top and it was even cheaper. So, watch this video instead.
I apologize for miss leading anyone. when I posted the video, I believed that the product had worked.
Link for Rejuvenate on Amazon:
Restore a Bleached or Faded Laminate Countertop - Rejuvenate 4K
Have faded, etched or bleached laminate countertops?
Don't replace them just yet...
You can bring you counter top from completely destroyed back to almost new for less than 10 bucks!! This stuff (Rejuvenate) worked amazingly well. Rejuvenate restored my bleached and faded laminate countertop back to almost new again. I am now a believer. This product works!
Use Rejuvenate on formica counter top.
Hey YouTube Welcome Back to Rosco Reviews today I'm trying out a new product that I've never tried before it's called rejuvenate and it is to restore countertops it's supposed to work on any kind of countertop and I have a laminate countertop or a Formica countertop in one of my rental units that somebody has bleached really badly I don't know if they use some sort of cleaner with bleach in it or if they got toothpaste all over the counter or something but it's been discolored bad and even though I've already cleaned it it doesn't come off it doesn't restore back to the color that it should be so I'm hoping that by putting this rejuvenate on there that it will fill in the cracks like the microscopic cracks and restore it back to its original color to put this on you can use either a sponge or a paper towel and then to buff it off you're going to want to use a microfiber cloth the application process is basically the same as cleaning a glass top stove or waxing your car you're going to want to scrub it on there in circles and then let it dry and we're going to buff it off in circles so even though this has already been cleaned off with normal household cleaners there is just discoloration to it so let's try this out I'm going to do half of it and we'll compare it to the other half
I've smeared it on there now I'm going to let it dry and then I'll buff it off so far if it stays like that look then that is already way better than what we had before okay it seems pretty dry now so I'm going to go ahead and buff it off with my microfiber pad
and there it is there's the end result
the end result after one coat is night and day difference
that's a game changer and this this is dry so this is what it will look like after so that's after one coat on just this side I'm gonna go ahead and do this side and then I'm going to do one coat over the whole countertop to try to make it all match and have the same shine and we'll see if doing the second coat on here cleans it up even more
This second coat I put on a lot thicker so I'm going to see if that makes a difference with it on there kind of thick it took quite a while for it to dry but now that it's dry I'm going to buff off this final coat
All In All Is it new again maybe not quite but that is definitely possible this is this apartment is rent able again
this is how you restore a laminate countertop it's been all etched with cleaning supplies if you found this helpful please like And subscribe and we'll see you back here next time
Rosco Reviews
This description contains affiliate links. affiliate links help keep this channel running at no cost to you. So please use the links to find the proper supplies and tools to do the job right. Thank you for supporting our channel.
00:00 Introduction
01:02 one coat of Rejuvenate
02:15 second coat of Rejuvenate
02:52 Final Results