Vegetables for winter and spring harvest, sow and plant in early autumn

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In the middle of September I’m showing you what we’ve been transplanting today. How we do it with a no dig approach, it’s quick and simple, At midday this bed was carrots, now harvested and then we spread 2.5cm / an inch of compost, before popping plants into prefabbed holes.

This is spring cabbage, we also planted cauliflower for spring, and then I show you spring onions. All of these will give harvest next March, April, and May. We have some frosts here in winter, down to -6C 21F in recent winters, maybe lower this winter.

We finish in the greenhouse where we’ve been sowing recently, in my CD60 module trays mostly.. The small seedlings are for transplanting in the greenhouse and polytunnel by mid-October.

Filmed at Homeacres, Somerset,UK by Nicola Smith on 15th September 2022.
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Everyone seems to forget about the winter garden


Charles is the vegetable garden no dig goat been watching him since lockdown started the man the legend love him


I planted some cabbages out last autumn and they grew slowly in the cold and lots of rain - my gosh, they are the most delicious sweet and crunchy cabbages I've ever had. You'd never get them that good in the grocers. DO THIS FOLKS!


Thanks Charles, September has become the 2nd spring, big love to you and yours Ralfy


Anyone else catch that cool way he covered the winter radishes? It's not just a row. I'm going to try to remember that square situation, I never would have thought of it


Your garden is so beautiful!!!! Here in Ohio our field corn is almost ready to pick. Feed for our poultry. We raise it in beds and pick by hand. My husband threw red clover into the beds when the corn was about a foot tall. Now we have a lush bed of clover after the stocks are removed and will let it rest the bed for a year. Its also nice to turn the hens into as it grows. The next step will be a nice bed of green manure to plant into too after the card board and compost is added when we get ready to plant into it again. He has learned a LOT from you!!!! Thanks for what you do!!!!


Always the best looking garden in town. (Old guy from Arkansas)🇺🇸


Your flowers are GLORIOUS CD! The whole garden is a wonderland! ❤ Linda in Canada


I have a tray of romaine and also planted seeds in the corner of my tomato hoop. I seeded bok choy a little way back trays along with a variety of chicories. Last week I transplanted under the tomato hoop and they are marvelous. I hope they can stay nice during the winter.
I am 8a and don’t have too harsh winters here. My baby cabbages are same size as yours and will plant them outside this week. First time I will “garden” in the winter, super excited


Charles, you're doing so much that isn't on video. I would really love watching you do the simplest of things such as sowing seeds in the greenhouse, spreading compost or anything else you might feel isn't so educational, interesting or worth recording. Your compost videos are some of my most favorite. I don't know what it is about making compost but I really love watching videos about it and doing it. Taking old vegetation, brown cardboard, kitchen scraps, etc and transforming it into such a valuable product is fun, interesting and fulfilling, to say the least. I hope you will continue to make compost videos in the near future. They never get old and I've watched your compost videos over and over again, may times. Your videos really help get me through the winter blues when I can't garden. I would love to order a calendar or two if you can mail them to the U.S. 🤔??? 🕊️🙏💟


Just what I needed. About to sow seeds for winter/spring


Thank you king Charles for sharing this beautiful NoDig gardening video.


everything looks amazing, I can't wait to plant out some bits this week!


Fast summer.. enjoyed the garden ")


I am inspired now mid-September. Yippee.🌿🌻🌼 Cabbage, Onions, Cauliflower, Cilantro.


We just started our garlic yesterday and will be sowing more soon....thank you Charlesfor the timely prompt.


OH CHARLES !!! My signed book arrived & I can't put it down :):) Thank You so much it means such a lot to me. Cheers Denise- Australia


Doing as much i can in the heat under ingrown lights. Hopefully we get a decent winter sinces our spring was summer and more summer.
God bless!


Timing propagation for maximum production has long been my downfall, since I've just bought a 2nd hand 15'x10' greenhouse I'm determined to improve my production and extend the season, I've just ordered your 'Vegitable Garden Diary' book to start planning for next year! Thanks as always Charles, you're an inspiration!


Thank you Charles. I enjoyed the visit to your garden. Always a relaxing pleasure and good information
