How to Deal With Unanswered Prayers // The Winner's Minute With Mac Hammond

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“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 4:6–7 ESV

Today's Winner's Minute is sponsored by Al and May Spooner.

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I've learned as a "Spiritual Toddler" DECADES ago to be thankful, that GOD doesn't / didn't answer all of my PRAYERS. It was at particular times in my walk, I'd PRAY like a bratty child, and GOD heard and answered me. Just to teach me how to PRAY, because just after a few, "Well I changed my mind, responses" and PRAYED the reverse, I realised how to learn how to effectively PRAY. And I was able to correlate the actions of a good earthly parent, to how GOD was operating within me, and all the while looking out for me as HE watch over his WORD teaching me HIS will and ways. I eventually grew into a Prayer Intetcrssor, standing in the gap as GOD seen fit to use me, obviously I've been off the milk, went through the formula, graduated up to the soft food... and have been partaking of the meats, yet still ever learning. I am Blessed of the LORD and highly Favored. No I'm not famous, just thankful 🙌🏾 🙌🏾 at this current time in life, the thing, that some who knows me best, might think that I'll be PRAYING for myself to be healed of Liver CANCER that I was diagnosed with Feb 3, 2020 and I know this isn't something that GOD cannot fix, I'm thankfu that I'm not in any pain. And it's so much more within my family to keep me PRAYING, that's just not a top priority for me, My 56379 MN. 43yr old son Paris has been homeless since Sept 2019 and addicted, marriage is dangling by a string. And my 45yr old 60627 IL daughter has diabetes and many other issues. And my kids don't know of my issues. Grandkids stuck on the social media and blunts, all of them claiming Anxiety Issues🙏🏽😇🙌🏾❤👏🏾 the situations in the WORLD, my PRAYER life is pretty full at this time. So I feel like I'm on a moving forward PRAYER assembly line. I will be alright, and "This Time Period Too, Shall Pass" GOD always knows best 👏🏾❤🙌🏾
