More bad news for an Empire at War sequel

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Empire at War's developers have sent me something fun.

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While I hope for a sequel, I gotta hand it to Petroglyph: the patches really made everything a lot easier. Also, thanks to modders like corey and his team and many more, we can still enjoy EAW as it is right now, so a big thank you from me!


I don't think a sequel is going to happen and we should give up on it. Given how games are doing these days a sequel just makes me nervous . I think what we should do instead is push petroglyph to continue patching the game, and encourage an overhaul or a straightforward remaster.
Give the engine the support it needs so the modding community can really take advantage of it.


One way I could see a Total War esque game working for star wars would be to have it be a fleet based combat game, similar to how galactic conquest works in EaW, with settlements being replaced by planets and the battles just being in space. But not 100% sure if that would be enough for audiences


Disney are more preoccupied with their deal with Epic Games with Fortnite and have big AAA game releases, not niches. Hence, why we won't get EaW2 or proper RTS set in Star Wars unless is from a recognized giant in the industry. This won't help if they are considering an EA CEO as the replacement for Bob Iger.


I think the first game is the perfect base. I would like to see them build on a larger, more complex engine and add some more in-depth mechanics and give us a lot more customisation and control. A remake would make my year, nevermind a second game. Realistically, this should be on the cheeper side of games to develop?


If we get another RTS I'd want it to use The Great War: Western Front as a model, while expanding on some of its features and functions. I did a whole series of posts on this back in the Discord so I'll try and keep it brief here. RTS in tactical battles and turn-based on the strategic level would work quite well I think, and outside that one example would be keeping the Star system but, instead of having to repeat the same battle over and over, each Star represents a specific set of objectives/distance taken, so full-on Sweep of the enemy can make even a Five Star-Rated territory capturable in one battle. Or two, with Space and Ground being separate. Different levels of control would also have differing effects for both Attacker and Defender.

Space would involve advancing from the outer system to taking full orbital control. Ground can begin before full orbital control is established just with reduced effectiveness, and Ground would be advancing from staging grounds to taking X amount of territory and/or accomplishing certain objectives, like seizing starports to make it easier to bring in reinforcements or destroying GtS weapons to remove that capability from the Defenders. Various other features and abilities like Blockade Running would also be part of it.

Part of this also is that I'd want the maps to be much, *much* bigger, even bigger than TGWWF's, with a much larger pop cap pool, so you can get the most usage out of all the various toys Star Wars has to offer.


I'd definitely miss the ground game. I think the game would lose a lot of its character and distinctiveness without it, plus you'd miss out on being to play around with AT-ATs and Vader and the other iconic units.


If triple A means "made for modern audiences", 4+ DLC and microtransactions and i think i can say most people dont even want triple A anymore.


We need to demand a sequel. Start a petition boys.


The Creative Assembly leaks are from pretty reliable sources. Its more a question of if it will go through, then a question, if the project exists.


It’s not the games industry in general scaling back projects. It’s the titans of the industry scaling back because they’ve ignored and ridiculed their fan base by putting out slapped together garbage and now that their profits are tanking they are trying to damage control


The rumor going around is that the total war series is going to make a Star wars game in the near future


I hope it's not just space, I really like ground combat and I just want a mix of all three. Give me Rebellion vs Empire to start then add in Republic/CIS and Resistance/FO as DLCs


I'm just happy they do yearly updates, hopefully one day we get multicore support


If Petroglyph ever get to make it I would be dissapointed if they don't include the devs of some of the bigger mods.


I'd settle for a spiritual successor in Warhammer 40, 000 Universe.


People have these grand ideas about an Empire at War sequel, but here's the reality of it: even if such a game was 100% going to be made, it would be _less_ than what Empire at War 1 is, aside from technological improvements. They likely wouldn't make it as multi-layered as the current game is (i.e.: it would probably just be a straightforward space battle game with no galactic layer, much less a ground one), it would be a mid-budget title like Squadrons, and while that game is great, it's no sequel to the old star wars flight sims, it's _less_ than what those games were in terms of content.

These niche star wars games will always be _less_ than what their predecessors were in that sense, and expectations should be adjusted accordingly; we will never get all of these ambitious things people want for these genres that are niche by today's standards. What we got now is as good as it will ever get for those types of games.


I would absolutely ADORE more sequel stuff. Only issue is that the timeframe is so Gods Damned short, and The Resistance doesn't really have any notable ground units.


I've been thinking ground battles should be something like "Wargame" where you spend resources and pre-package your ground force into dedicated units instead of the tired old base builder stuff.


It's sad that this hybrid RTS Grand strat didn't take off. I'm not a fan of those spreadsheet-like games ala total war/sins. EaW struck that right balance for me of Hex maps with C&C gameplay.
Id kill for a Fallout themed EaW.
