The Parallel Evolution of MBSE and CubeSats

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Let's dive into the interplay between CubeSats and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), two innovations that have mutually benefited each other while evolving in tandem.

The journey begins in the 1990s when both concepts emerged. In 1999, the concept of CubeSats is introduced by Cal Poly and Stanford University's Space Systems Development Lab.

CubeSats are tiny, stackable satellites that are popular because they're less expensive and quicker to build than traditional space satellites.

About the size of a loaf of bread, the satellites can be shot into space as secondary payloads or by hitching a ride with larger spacecraft. The technology has made accessing space more affordable for research, technology demonstrations, and academic projects.

Also in the 90s, Model-Based Systems Engineering, or MBSE, emerges as a concept as complex systems necessitate the need for an alternative to document-based systems engineering.

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