Linear Correlation 6 Scatter Diagram Partially Positive
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Linear Correlation (Correlation Analysis - Association between two variables)
Scatter Diagram Method- 3: Partially Positive Correlation
This is very simple method of studying the relationship between two variables. If n pairs of observations (x1,y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) … (xn, yn) of two variables are given, they can be plotted on a graph paper. The diagram formed by the points on the graph paper is known as scatter diagram. Looking to the distribution points in the scatter diagram we can know the direction of the relationship and also get a rough idea about the degree of the relationship between the variables.
Partial Positive Correlation
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1) All the points of the scatter diagram are not in one straight line but lie around some straight line, then the correlation between the variables is partial.
2) The line around which the points are situated, goes from the lower left to the upper right. So, the correlation between the variable is partial positive.
Hence, we can conclude that there is a 'Partially Positive Correlation' between the two variables.
Linear Correlation (Correlation Analysis - Association between two variables)
Scatter Diagram Method- 3: Partially Positive Correlation
This is very simple method of studying the relationship between two variables. If n pairs of observations (x1,y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) … (xn, yn) of two variables are given, they can be plotted on a graph paper. The diagram formed by the points on the graph paper is known as scatter diagram. Looking to the distribution points in the scatter diagram we can know the direction of the relationship and also get a rough idea about the degree of the relationship between the variables.
Partial Positive Correlation
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1) All the points of the scatter diagram are not in one straight line but lie around some straight line, then the correlation between the variables is partial.
2) The line around which the points are situated, goes from the lower left to the upper right. So, the correlation between the variable is partial positive.
Hence, we can conclude that there is a 'Partially Positive Correlation' between the two variables.