Sonex Aircraft - 120HP Build - Jim Culp Builder Tour

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Sonex Aircraft - 120HP Build - Jim Culp Builder Tour at his Hangar located in Live Oak Florida.
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Six cylinders and dual ignition all the way! Like the look of the avionics telemetry panel. The whole plane looks very thoughtfully and skilfully engineered.


So Glad Jim Conquer his dream before His time come, heyyy nice trick with the Keys thought


Although I fly off on my personal strip in my hay field, And I know hanger rent is outrageous here in Texas, The last time I rented a hanger was about 20 years ago and it was $150 a month then. And he said he pays 160 for that private hanger. Man that is cheap, old wore out raggedy door ones around here are 550+. With water and elec run ya over 900-1200$ a month.
I had a sonex for 5 years. Love it ! Hated the jabby 3300 it was almost un flyable above 95°. The CHT’s are terrible on them and to many other issues. I spent to much keeping the engine running in good shape.
My 3300 jabby would cruise around 165mph at 80% and around 155 around 75%


That's one heck of a beautiful airplane that Jim built! I think I'd go with the AeroVee Turbo 2.1, but- I'm a stickler for weight and I think that smooth running and awesome sounding Jabiru is a touch heavier! How 'bout that start up though- like buttah! I really liked the panel and I hope to heck he got his 40 (and 5!) hours burned off and had all of August to enjoy the bird freely! Jim seems to be suffering from aphasia (inability to find words in your mind) which is often the result of a stroke. He seems very smart, looks as healthy as an ox and I hope he gets several excellent years of flying in before he needs to retire those keys! What great work he's put in, great choices on options- I bet he'll love every minute aloft in that beauty, and she's fast as snot too! Good on ya, Jim! Mebbe we can convince EAC to do a follow up later this Fall? Would love to see the grin on his face after a flight! Priceless.


man reminds me of my grandpa just a big kid who likes adventures


Watch in 1.75x speed. Great video, thanks for all the information


Good luck Jim. I hope you get that bird in the air soon!


Good Job, Jim! The Sonex is a fun airplane to fly, especially with the jab 3300!


Maybe give this guy a golf cart and bicycle helmet. Yes, and hide the Sonex key.


Good job Jim, good channel, all the best from Russia:)


Bryan great video look all the details. Jim good look 2021⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🤘🏻🤠


Nice! Congrats Jim, it'll be a hot rod for sure! 👍👍👍 I also did a bunch of taxiing before my first flight. The Sonex gets REAL light on the ground at about 25 MPH indicated, doesn't feel like it would take too much more to fly. I'm honestly thinking about going back to the lever brake on the side, but with a hydraulic master cylinder.


Bryan this was a hard interview but you kept him on point and was able to get him to provide answers. I’m guessing being in front of a camera makes him clam up!


I’m in Tampa. Would love to come see the plane in person sometime.


What happened to Jim we need a fallow up


Nothing better than a VW powered airplane! Truly the VOLKSLUFIN! 🤣

WAIT no VOLKSWAGEN friggin limey engine! 🤣 Well, I guess that thing just HOPS along! 🤣


Did I hear you make airplane noises when he lifted the tail...?😀


Whats your height and weight? How was it for room? With canopy looks like ample headroom eh


A medium sized hanger like that costs $400+ here in the San Francisco Bay area(KLVK) and have a decade long wait. The small sizes that are 40' wide you have about 12month wait and $350.


He seems like a very knowledgeable ol' man, probably forgot more than ill ever know but there is a big white elephant in the room and id would like to address it. Is someone of his current mental condition permitted to fly? Is it safe for not only the people below but himself? Maybe it was the camera making him space out and seem very confused so I don't want to pass judgment. I am genuinely curious if there is a governing body (i'd assume the FAA) that says (your grounded!) in a sense based off mental capacity.
PS. your video currently has 666 views... I made it 667 to get that bad mojo outta here!
