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I'm back at Kings Mill Hospital for an Ultrasound and more blood tests to find out the cause of my health problems. I've now had an ECG, Chest X-ray, CT Scan and numerous blood tests. The blood tests today showed a marker in my blood that points towards Cancer of the Lymph Nodes. I had to wait an hour to find out the results. I have to say as soon as the Doctor mentioned the 'C' word I switched off to the world outside. I have to say the NHS have been fantastic, we are so lucky to have such a brilliant Health service that is a credit to The United Kingdom.

#cancer #nhs #health #hospital
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As a cancer survivor i sure look at the world differently, it sounds crazy but i now appreciate the birds in the sky, the sound of bees, family etc its great youve had a chance to evaluate and change the little things, keep well❤


Lee, my wife died of cancer. She was 45. She left it a bit too late to get checked out. And she was a gp. Thanks for relaying the message of getting yourself checked out if you have new, unusual symptoms. It sounds so obvious but many people just get on with it and like my late wife, leave it too late. Take care and 'look after Lee' for a change, Onward my friend. x


Judging by all the horror stories about NHS delays, overloaded A and E departments, the impossibility of getting to see a GP or a specialist, long ambulance waiting times et al, you seem to have managed to buck the trend. Well done and good luck.


The NHS is under funded under staffed but they work miracles.
I had three spinal cord surgeries in four weeks at King's College Hospital in London. All the staff looked after me with dignity and respect. 💙


Just make the best of every day.! I was told not to expect being alive much after Christmas due to a smoking related lung disease; I quit smoking in 1979! Now connected to oxygen 24/7 I still get out and enjoy life and you can do the same. All the best in your future.


A truly emotional rollercoaster of a day for you. It took great courage to share it with us all. What an outstanding hospital. Sending love and best wishes back to you. 😊


So glad to hear that it isn't anything serious Lee 😀 Thank you for updating us with this video but please do take some time out to look after yourself ❤ we will all still be here to support you whenever you feel up to it buddy 💪🏻 Sending ❤ and best wishes to you and the family 💐


Just come across this and iv actually got lymphoma cancer, got a scan on 23rd June after 6 months of treatment, wish me luck


Being told that you might have cancer after going in for something seemingly trivial comes as one hell of a shock. I had been having stomach problems for several months and wasn’t overly concerned, but as soon as the C word was mentioned, everything changed. I genuinely thought my life was over, because the symptoms I had been experiencing made cancer almost inevitable. I went into a strange few weeks of denial, depression and fear while I waited for various tests and procedures to be completed. Thankfully, like you, it turned out not to be cancer, which was obviously a massive relief. All the staff at the hospital were absolutely brilliant, even the ones who did the Colonoscopy (which I wouldn’t recommend) and I can’t thank them enough. All the best Lee and hope all goes well for you now you know it’s not cancer.


Prayers for you, Lee. Roll your eyes at cancer like you do a bad airline meal.
Thinking of you and everything you have faced. This hits home for so many of us. You’re a fighter, don’t worry about the channel; your loyal viewers will always be here for you.


If your blood sample has clotted, I'd suggest they shouldn't have taken you off blood thinners. The fact your bloods clotting suggests that the root cause maybe a recent medical intervention you've taken. I hope you make a full recovery, best wishes 🙏🏻


Have some well deserved time and rest to yourself Lee. All us fans and viewers are behind you and will always be here for you fella ♥️👍🏻


I hope you stay well Lee and wishing you all the best. I would suggest a plant based or plant heavy diet as well as cutting out processed food and added sugar.

I am not a vegan or vegetarian or a tree hugging hippie, but around 80% of my diet is now plant based because of the health benefits alone. It's amazing how most people don't think too much about what they eat and how it can encourage illnesses later on. Fruits, veg, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds provide essential micro and macronutrients to our bodies that help to protect from, prevent and even reverse illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure/cholesterol, arthritis, inflammation etc.

It's saddens me to look at most people's shopping trolleys and seeing so much frozen, processed, sugar loaded food and so little fruit and veg. I wish people would take care of themselves more.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates


I had cancer twice Lee so i no how scary it must of been ive gone 8 years now, takecare lee get well soon 😊


Lee after skin cancer many years ago and having a tumour removed I spent 2 years of appointments to be told the removal was successful, however they discovered a brain tumour which is extremely slow growing. I have put my faith and trust in the neurosurgeon assigned to me. At first it worried me but after 4 years of scans and reports I have complete faith in our NHS and the monitoring I have, bless you Lee, have faith and trust in our hospitals and the care they give. God bless you Lee and don't fear the worst about the C word, I feel for you my friend and know exactly how you feel.


Get well soon Lee. Everyone is rooting for you. Keep your chin up and take it easy till things come good again.


Do whatever you have to do your health is above everything rest up and take all the time you need!!!


Thanks for the updates you have provided us. Take care of yourself first. We will all be here to watch your next blog. 🙂


I support your belief that it is never too late to be healthy. I wish you the best.


Sounds incredibly stressful Lee but we all know you got this! Take time out and get well. YT is just an account after all. You’re family need you!! All the best man
