Cloud Atlas Sextet - Piano XXXL

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Just Close your eyes and enjoy.
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The film is well ahead of the ordinary public.


I watched this movie during Hurricane Sandy.  I live in New Jersey at the Jersey Shore, where the entire town was completely devastated, we had no power for a month, and it was just chaos.  So, to get out of my house, I drove like a half hour to where they had finally got power and went to the movies, and this movie was playing, and I remember watching this movie and being like, wow, just wow.  Then I went back and saw it 3 more times in the next 3 weeks, and would NOT shut up about it and how life altering it was.  That movie really helped me get thru dealing with the utter chaos that was going on around me, and show me some true beauty to life when everything around me was falling apart and was devastated.  


This movie should be seen by every human on Earth. Beautiful, stunning, incredible piece. A masterpiece that explores what it means to be human beyond the nuances of our every day lives, a masterpiece that brings together people across time, distance, and history. The most accurate depiction of existence I have ever seen. The ending sent chills down my spine. Possibly the most amazing quote I have ever heard in my life: "What is an ocean but a multitude of drops."


That's it!. The music from my dream!!


One of the most touching films i have ever seen. I see that many of us cannot explain how this movie touched us... It is utterly impeccable. i find this to be one of the most powerful movies i have ever seen. Please, if you have never seen this movie, watch it.


I remember reading the reviews of Cloud Atlas after a press-viewing. I saw comments of love and comments of hate, such is our world. After seeing it and walking out of the theatre I immediately felt like turning around and going to see it again.
A truly fantastic and brave movie, I doubt we'll see anything like it for a long time if ever again. When I saw this movie didn't generate any respect at the Oscars, I almost felt sick at the current state of cinema and of what's considered a "good" film


Excellent movie. I ordered the book and it should be here next week. I did shed tears when I watched it.. now I really do believe that we are all bound with someone from womb to tomb.. I really can't describe this film. It hit me in a thousand ways. I'm glad there's ppl out there that understand it... I hope the best for all of you.


I don't know why I never youtubed this song before now. How wonderful to see others out there were as touched by this movie as I was! I watched it last night, I must of watched this movie a dozen or more times and each time I learn more from it. I love re watching movies as it is and this one is perfect for that.


When you hear the sextet in the movie, you can't stop your tears running down, this movie is the best that i've ever seen ! I saw it like 5 times, and i can't get enough c:


It is pointless to explain this movie to anyone.

Those who get it do not need an explanation.

Those who do not will never understand it.


September 2020 and I'm still here listening to this wonderful music.


I just got done watching the movie for the third time, and it still leaves me in tears. By now, most movies have no effect on me, but Cloud Atlas is a powerful story. Those who can stay unaffected by it do not understand the message and beauty of it.


There are days where all I want to do is listen to beautiful music. But so much of the time I can't bring myself to listen to this song because it makes me feel...too much.


OMG, this movie and this music got to me emotionally.


This was truly the most beautiful and inspiring film I have ever seen. I don't know that anything will be able to top Cloud Atlas for me.


Loved this movie. Watched it stoned out of my mind the first time. Didn't really get it/remember it, but something really stuck with me. The next day I re-watched it on a flight back home. Then the next day. Amazing.. The theme of interconnectedness was great, but what touched me were the different people, across different lives, risking and giving their lives for what they believed in. I think, we might only really start to be alive, when we find a reason strong enough to give our lives up for.


"I know! I know!" I think I watched Mr. Meeks over and over and over. Loved his character especially when he riles the Scottsmen to ambush the medical personnel.


To be is to be perceived. And so to know thyself is only possible through the eyes of the other. The nature of our immortal lives is in the consequences of our words and deeds that go on apportioning themselves throughout all time. Our lives are not our own; from womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness we birth our future.
~ Sonmi-451


It never ceases to amaze me how much a beautiful melody can affect me. How the simple tinkering of the keys can bring tears to my eyes, or make me burst with joy.


I can't believe how much emotion is packed into that small phrase...
