How Many Stars There Are in the Sky, explained in ten seconds

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Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!

Thanks to Nima Doroud for contributions. Created by Henry Reich
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Quit whining about the short videos. These videos are in ADDITION to the normal videos. He isn't saying that quantity > quality, and he isn't doing this because he thinks that people only have 10 second attention spans.

He is experimenting with different ways of showing topics. Since these videos take little to no time to research it is not going to affect other, longer videos.

If anything these are BONUS videos. It is like complaining about getting bonus test questions. It isn't hard to just ignore videos with the title explained in 10 seconds." If you don't like it, then DON'T WATCH IT, and DON'T COMPLAIN about it.


It really amazes me how many of you in the comments can't pay attention to the fact that this is a side project challenge where he's just doing this for a month. Not to mention, last I checked, most people who upload educational videos on youtube can't possibly explain everything about a topic in a short amount of time, these videos are meant to be gateways for you to research further.

If I've learned anything while being in school, if you want to find out more about topics that interest you, you have to look them up.


"But it'll be hard to check." Gave me a good laugh. I'm enjoying these snack sized factoids. They remind us that even the most amazing facts can be explained in a matter of seconds.

I still love me an epic explanation but I'll take small from time to time.


Interesting. It says, in the "Bonus Fact" at the video's end, that the whole universe is probably infinite. But there have been many researchers (reported on podcasts such as Big Picture Science) who believe that it may not be; that it goes on for a long way beyond the observable edge of what we can see, but it does "wrap around" eventually.

How are we to know which is the case? I understand that the expansion we see would be different if there was a sudden drop in mass just beyond the observable edge but how do we tell the difference between truly infinite and just very, very large?


Answer 1: Define "sky."
Answer 2: All of them.

If, as I've heard somewhere, there are (x*10 to the really huge power) particles in the universe (a theory I'm quite willing to toss aside in favor of infinity), then you just need to figure out the average mass of a star and the percent of universal mass that is within stars to get a number.


I think that, for once, the superuberdubershort format was fit for the topic.


surly it cant be that heard to make a 2 minute video on the facts of science twice a week or so, I don't think this channel is getting the attention it needs and I think these short videos show that.


i wish youd stop doing 10 second videos. I always loved when you posted a long video, like entire 6 minutes of minute physics! that stuff made my day sometimes! but when its crammed into 10 seconds, all that delicious info has to be crammed into a hundredth of what it could be :(


this shouldn't be called "explained" this should be called "told" because that's what this videos do, they just told you something, but they don't really "explain" it


I liked this one he didnt start off with a topic that was hard to understand like his others ones, He just went How many stars there are and how many you can see.


I have figured out by now this is more for the money, but the video on how minute physics was running out of money and had to cut down on videos or come up with something else, they are doing this to get enough money to continue the videos that they make. I don't like theses, but it is better then them shutting down the channel.


I think this style of video falsely assumes that we are bored by this kind of content and that we need it super fast before we click away. Or maybe that this channel needs some kinda gimmick to separate itself from the other videos. In reality, we love the longer videos and the real draw for me to these videos is understanding something new about the universe. When you cram it into 10 seconds, there's a really high chance that:

1) I don't get it

2) I have more questions that won't get answered.

Not only is the original minute physics better, but I prefer when it became multiple minute physics. The best videos you've done are ones where I get it. Clarity over gimmick.


Jeez, with all the threatening to unsubscribe, an outside observer may think the goal of channels like this is to have as many people watching as possible and not, you know, to share information and to inspire people to learn.


I'm sorry i don't like the short format. the effect on me is like turning the key on the car motor but shutting  down just before it starts. For me that means then end result is more of confusion and less of learning.


When I used to tell people that I am certain that there was life on other planets, somewhere out in the universe, they would almost all dismiss me and say "Do you know what the odds are?"
And I'd say "Absolutely. I know exactly what the odds are, and that's why I'm certain."
The odds are literally astronomical (yes it's a pun...and it's not...) But since that's exactly the scope of what we're dealing with, it becomes a given.


If the universe is really infinite in size, doesn't that mean that everything that is physically possible *must* happen? So somewhere out there I have a doppelganger who is Hitler?


What? I thought I had learned in minutephysics' and vsauce's videos that the universe is incredibly "small?" 
So, the observable universe is the universe we can see, because lights further away has not reached us yet. But the "whole" universe, isn't it expanding too? How can the universe be infinite if it is still expanding?


Think of this: If the universe is infinite, we'll never be able to prove it's infinite.


Those 10 seconds videos doesn't contain a single bit of interesting content (in my opinion), please bring back minutephysics, not tensecondsphysics (or get another channel for that)


Last video: Henry stop these videos!!!
Now: Hey, Henry keep up the good work.
