TINKERBELL VILLAIN SONG - Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall | Song by Lydia the Bard and Tony | Animatic

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Heeeeey, its me again, with another villain song, no surprise there. And this time its a Tinkerbell Villain song AND an original song. I'm super proud of this one ngl, everyone involved worked so bloody hard and we're all so happy with this end result. Enjoy my new song Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall!

Thank you so much to all those involved in the creation of this! Tony, Jasper, Jack, Lazyeule, you are all amazing!

Fairies have been dying at an alarming rate in Neverland, as time goes on and the human world evolves more and more children simply no longer believe in fairies. And we all know the moment that happens a fairy is lost. Tinkerbell and her friends watch as their loved ones disappear one after another, their numbers dwindle and hope has long faded. Loss is something we all must go through but when it becomes an almost weekly occurrence Tinkerbell knows something must be done.

She begins her research, trying to understand the connection between humans and fairies. Maybe there was a way to sever the connection? To allow fairies to exist independent of human beliefs, but that would be impossible. A fairy is born from the first laugh of a newborn human baby, the bond between humans and fairies is directly linked to their existence. Tinkerbell tests many different theories to try and allow fairies to live free from human influence, but everytime she comes up blank. And as the weeks and months go by, Tinkerbell's bitterness towards the human race grows and grows. Fairies, full of magic and wonder and power, at the mercy of simple, insignificant, ungrateful children. It simply isn't fair.

Until one fateful day, Tinkerbell comes up with one last theory… If a fairy is born of a newborn's laugh, then maybe, just maybe, it’s the very same child that causes their eventual death. If Tink could ensure the child connected to her never lost faith, the children connected to her friends never lost faith, then she could at least keep herself and her loved ones alive. And so on their next trip to the mainland Tinkerbell convinces her friends to follow her plan, to find these children, take them away from their homes and bring them up in Neverland.

And so, they left, flying over the mainland and clinging to this final sliver of hope. They searched for hours with no luck, all seemed lost, how could they possible tell which child was theirs? That was until Tink felt a inexplicable pull to a window. And inside the window lay a young boy, no more than a few years old and she knew they'd done it. Tink had found Peter Pan. Her friends with a new surge of hope find their humans in the next few hours. Stolen from their cribs they were spirited away to the land of the fairies, to ensure they never stopped believing in fairies and never grew up.

Everything was going well, Tink and her friends were safe, until some strangers arrived in Neverland and put everything she’s worked so hard to protect at risk. Wendy, with her stories of home and family, whispering in the lost boys' ears, in Peter's ear. What if they decided to go back with her? What if they decided to grow up? It was something Tink simply couldn't allow, and so to protect her and her friends she would see Wendy fall.


PS: Really super duper fun links below!! The FUNNEST of links! I’m talking discord server, social media, patreon, music streaming, the list goes on… go have a gander!


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Vocals/Lyrics - Lydia the Bard

Music - Tony Halliwell Assisted by Jasper Sullivan

Tony Halliwell

Jasper Sullivan @jasperthecomposer

Mix - Tony Halliwell
Master - Jack Kennedy

Animatic - @lazyeule


Check it out here -

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#tinkerbellvillainsong #falllittlewendybirdfall
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The Lost Boys being connection to Tink’s friends makes their presence in Neverland rather chilling. They became lost boys because they were taken.


At first, I was worried that Wendy's fairy might die because of this but then I remembered that Wendy didn't believe in fairies before she met Peter so her fairy would already be dead. I like to imagine that maybe one of Tink's dead friends was even Wendy's fairy just to add that extra layer of angst.


And from Neverland, Hook looked up into the night sky as the scene unfolded, finally realizing the horrifying truth:
It had never truly been Peter’s fault after all.


I find it morbidly amusing that while Tinker Bell was singing to Wendy at the end, all that Wendy could hear were bell noises... It reminds of that saying: "For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for you."


Okay but her just fearing of going extinct because they need to be believed in instead of her just being jealous is a great take


Best thing about this is that the thing that keeps fairies alive is belief, not love. In the movie Tink almost dies bc Peter got upset at a small betrayal enough to stop believing in Tink's whole existence, which was easy as he planned to leave with Wemdy. And here he will be SO UPSET but, at the same time, how can you stop believing after this? Tink flipped the game by making Peter and the Lost Boys believe in her out of fear instead of the previous love


Something in the book I always found interesting (and terrifying) is that it states that fairies in Peter Pan can only experience one emotion at a time, and that emotion gets ramped up exponentially. In the scene of her being jealous, it was literally the only thing on her mind. Tink is literally the definition of emotionally unstable. Imagine somebody who would act on any impulse or intrusive thought, no matter how heinous, just because they were in a bad mood.


I just noticed that when tink swooped around Wendy with her fairy dust, it was supposed to make her fairy dust look weak so it couldn’t carry Wendy, but when actually it could carry Wendy. She just decided not to so Wendy could die. And plus, it would make the others think that she was saving Wendy.


I really love how Peter's face was animated when the magic was taken away from the ship, like he already knew that Tink was behind it.


Okay but the line “or did it slip your mind, you need three things to fly, lets see you try when I remove mine” ATE


This is actually very accurate to the fae. They would often steal babies from cribs and whisk them away to Fairyland. They're also extremely possessive, and, in folklore have been known to kill people for entering their territory


Something i realized

In Jake and the neverland pirates, its explained that Hook was born in Neverland, but his mom sailed beyond neverland with him so that he would grow up, but as an adult hook returned to neverland, Hook has seen tinkerbell and her friends before, so he knows fairies exist, i like to believe Hook has believed in fairies his whole life, meaning HIS fairy is more than likely still alive!


What’s probably messing Tink even more up is the fact she has a twin sister. If she dies, so does Peri. Keeping Peter prisoner isn’t only keeping HER alive.


I just realised. The Lost boys, who the fairies collected just after Fawn died, are dressed as animals, and when they fail to kill Wendy, Tinkerbell goes to the mermaids, who live in the water which is Silvermist talent. When that fails the remaining fairies has to step in.


Knowing that the tinkerbell movies are prequels to the peter pan movie, it would explain Tinkerbell's jealous and snarky behaviour compared to her spin-offs. Losing a lot of her friends and fairies took a toll on her mental health.


Peter brings a new human to Neverland, one that Tink wasn’t aware of… She observes them, and sees how Peter looks at the girl. The love once meant for her now placed in this new girl. Now, don’t mistake this for jealousy; Tinkerbell couldn’t care less whether Peter played favorites. But she sees the way Wendy talks about her home, how she stares at the stars with longing. She will go home, and Peter will follow her. She can’t let that happen under any circumstances.

Wendy doesn’t realize that what she’s doing will kill them all. The fairies that are born from a baby’s laughter then die from the child’s loss of belief. Kids lose belief so soon these days; even Wendy, only about 12 years old, doesn’t believe anymore. Who knows when she stopped believing and her fairy died? How long was that fairy allowed to enjoy life for? Wendy already stole one fairy’s life away; she won’t be allowed to steal anymore.

These four boys are here in Neverland because here, their belief will stay strong. Tink doesn’t want to keep them here, but it’s the only way they can survive. The kids can be happy here. Without them, the fairies die.

Peter would never trust Tink again if she did something herself… it would have to be an accident. The other boys are always making mistakes, and Peter never stays mad at them for long. She’ll just have to… guide their aim a bit. It’s nothing personal.

It almost worked, but Peter saved her. He ruined it, and the boys ratted her out, and now he’s mad at her. And all the while, Wendy continues to spread stories of fathers and mothers and growing up to all the boys. Peter may be angry at Tink for telling the boys to shoot Wendy, but Tink’s angry too. And her rage is clear and rational. She knows what she’s doing. And she will do what she must to protect her home from threats, at any cost.

The mermaids can take care of her… Neverland is a dangerous place for little birds, after all. Don’t worry, Wendy, it’s nothing personal.

It almost works, but Peter saves her again. And Peter’s faith in Wendy only grows. Is it hopeless? Are they going to leave? Are they all going to die?

Tink returns home, defeated and quickly losing hope. She remembers Fawn, and their research into keeping fairies alive despite humans quickly losing belief. Fawn was always so full of joy no matter what, but now she’s gone. Tink and what remained of her friends went to find their children, the ones who created them and could potentially be the ones to end them. That’s when she found Peter. They all found their kids, and they took them back to Neverland, so they could all stay alive. But nothing would ever bring Silvermist and Fawn back. Even Wendy already killed one of the fairies by losing belief… And then it clicked. Tink recognized the magical resemblance between Wendy and Fawn that only a fairy and their child would have. Wendy killed Fawn, and now she’s going to kill the rest of them, too. Tink may not have been able to save Fawn and Silvermist and every other fairy who died prematurely, but maybe she can still save the rest of them.

Tink gathered Rosetta, Iridessa, and Vidia just in time. Wendy was already leaving with their boys. Nothing else worked, but this will. The fairies are the protectors of Neverland, and we control who can enter and leave this place. You take your pixie dust for granted, but what happens if we take it back? Don’t worry, we’ll catch you all! Each of us fairies will save our child. But, oh, I guess you don’t have one anymore, do you, Wendy Darling? I wonder whose fault is that? We’ll tell Peter I gave you pixie dust, but you lacked the faith you needed to fly. He’ll come to realize that you never believed, and that you don’t belong here. You didn’t need to die, Wendy Darling, we could have let you go home. But you killed Fawn. Now it’s personal.


"This messed up little family that I had to make.
If I could let them all go home, please know that I would,
But it'd do more harm than good."

THIS is such an underrated part of the song, definitely my favorite part of it.


Its crazy how much lore is in this one song. it's stated in the first Tinkerbell movie that fairies are born from a babies first laugh, and in Peter Pan 2 we see that fairies can be hurt from not being believed in. The description expands this in by saying that a fairy dies when the child whose laugh created them stops believing in fairies. As someone else commented, humans used to go their whole lives believing in fairies so a fairies lifespan would be similar to a humans originally. But in the modern era people stop believing in fairies at younger and younger ages so fairy death would feel like an epidemic in pixie hollow - image your entire race's life expectancy dropping from 70 years to 7 - leading Tinkerbell and friends to kidnap the children whose laugh created them to protect their own lives. The lost boys and Peter are the children whose laughs created Tinkerbell and her friends, and on Neverland these children would both never stop believing in fairies and also never grow up, making Tink and friends effectively immortal as long as the children stay there, so Wendy with her stories of mothers and home inspiring them to leave Neverland is a threat to Tink and her friends even though Wendy herself is totally innocent. Kidnapping is also very common in old fae lore as well as killing trespassers so this song really did its homework!


The fact that Tink spun Wendy upside down to ensure that she died at the end was genius. Girl wanted to succed and it showed she would do anything


I love that while the children were falling and being rescued by their fairies, you can hear them say “Watch out, child!”
