Types of Data Structures - Part 2 | DS Algo #shorts

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What are the different types of Data Structures? In this part 2 version, Kodeeswaran will shed light on the same.
What is Data Structure and Algorithms?
Data Structure can be referred to as a collection of data objects that allows storing, organizing, and retrieving data on systems. An algorithm refers to a set of steps used in completing a certain task or to get the desired output. A deep understanding of Data Structures and algorithms helps in efficient and well-optimised coding.
Data Structures and Algorithms are important since they are often considered to be the root or the foundation of computer science. They play an important role in implementing software and at the same time in the job interview process as well.
#datastructures #typesofdatastructures #dsalgo #SCALER
What is Data Structure and Algorithms?
Data Structure can be referred to as a collection of data objects that allows storing, organizing, and retrieving data on systems. An algorithm refers to a set of steps used in completing a certain task or to get the desired output. A deep understanding of Data Structures and algorithms helps in efficient and well-optimised coding.
Data Structures and Algorithms are important since they are often considered to be the root or the foundation of computer science. They play an important role in implementing software and at the same time in the job interview process as well.
#datastructures #typesofdatastructures #dsalgo #SCALER
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