Square Enix Say Crystal Dynamics Was Bad Fit For Marvel's Avengers. No, The Live Service Model Was.

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- Joseph Lavoie
- Charlie Galvin
- Devon B
- Jonathan Ball
- Sarano
- skyrimfan14
- Gerardo Andrade
- Joe Hunt
- MD archenangel
- Michael Redmond
- Peter Vrba
- Time Dragonlord
- BattleBladeWar
- TacoBell Call911
- Theron Webb
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Square Enix deciding to make a AAA Avengers game into a looter live service was how the game was crippled from the start.

- Joseph Lavoie
- Charlie Galvin
- Devon B
- Jonathan Ball
- Sarano
- skyrimfan14
- Gerardo Andrade
- Joe Hunt
- MD archenangel
- Michael Redmond
- Peter Vrba
- Shepard Gaming
- Time Dragonlord
- BattleBladeWar
- TacoBell Call911
- Theron Webb


When in doubt, always blame the dev team for your decisions.


"Crystal dynamics doesn't have much experience with the games as service model." Never heard a better compliment for a developer.


Ah... the “EA Method.” Blame the devs.

“No, it’s not our fault Dead Space 3 didn’t perform well. We need to punish the developers!”


“Could Live Service be a business model that gamers hate? No, clearly the problem is the studio that did exactly what we told them to do. They’re why the game failed”


Live services, as a way to LAUNCH a game, is braindead: When people see that they know the intent is to keep them playing for 10 years. Practically no one, at least no one I've ever heard of, intentionally chooses a game to play for 10 years. They might end up doing that because they like the game, but people want to experience the full game. If I know that experience won't even be completed for years at least, with major patches completely overhauling the experience along the way, I'm not buying in.


Isn't it sad how Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, a 15-year-old role-playing game that hasn't particularly aged well and the Lego Marvel games, which are made for children, all offer a far superior and more fulfilling Avengers video game experience than this huge AAA title that cost millions to make by hundreds of people? ESPECIALLY after it came on the heels of the highest grossing film of all time about the same IP?


Painter: *Paints wall blue*
Client: "Why blue? I hate that color"
Company: "Yeah we should've hired a better painter, my bad"
*Square in a nutshell*


Man, they are straight up blaming everybody but themselves for why this game failed. They want to blame the pandemic making everyone work from home, yet Ghost of Tsushima launched at the same time and sold twice as many copies, plus DLC that was worth every penny. Then they throw Crystal Dynamics under the bus. What turds.


I was absolutely appalled when I read what Square Enix said about the game's failure being Crystal Dynamics' fault. The garbage, trash-behind, doo-doo flapjacks GaaS model did the game in from jump. That excuse was absurd. Not even an excuse, just a LIE.


You used to buy games "fully" done and some later DLC. Then we got to in game content being skimmed off the top and sold layer a DLC. Now games are a sold on blatant lies and as unfinished products with long term "roadmaps " for a game either no one wants or what was produced to begin with.


We all know Crystal Dynamics is a good studio, so it goes without saying it was the live service model and an emphasis on micro-transactions, not to mention how repetitive the game is in and of itself. I’m glad the GOTG game didn’t follow Avenger’s to an early grave.


They aren’t lying, they wholly mean this. As in, “We believe Crystal Dynamics failed at creating an addiction based gameplay model due to their experience mostly being in making REAL games with fulfilling, single-player focus.”


I can't believe with all the telemetry data companies collect on us they can't figure out the most basic reasons as to why their games keep failing... _"Oh no, another live service lost all its players... guess we better try that again!"_


Beyond the obvious blame shifting, to be honest Crystal Dynamics wasn’t a good fit for the game…but who picked them to make it? Square.


I’m pretty sure I very much enjoyed the Tomb Raider series and would say they changed the gaming landscape, so Crystal Dynamics is indeed a great studio in my eyes and the problem is with the type of game they were told to make. Give them the opportunity to do a single player adventure marvel game like tomb raider was and GotG is and you’ll have yourself a fine game.


I’m so damn tired of companies meddling with game developer’s work, then blaming them when the game fails. The game/dev team aren’t to blame, it’s your shitty business practices.


avengers could have been ultimate alliance with tons of costumes, a huge talent tree, large open worlds, dungeons, raids, a fun pvp mode, tons of emotes, tons of voice lines, good graphics, customizable colors for your customs, customizable ability effects. over 30 characters to start, and a lot of unique but they spent more time trying to make the devs make the game with pay to win and bought cosmetics. square got greedy. if they helped CD make a good game first more people would have bought it and more people would be willing to spend money on costumes.


"We needed a lot of money so we blame the developers"

*Also the publisher has millions and millions of dollars*

Square Enix..isn't probably the time to listen more the players rather than your money grabbing needs? How about that?


Kind of hope Crystal Dynamics developers start leaving on mass for how Square is acting. They literally put all the blame on them when they were the ones that wanted the games as service model. I worry for creators like Yoko Taro. They’ve already made a mobile NieR and I don’t want them to pressure him to churn out content like how Konami did with Kojima. :/
