Sonic Lost World - Color Powers Trailer

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ESRB Rating: EVERYONE 10+ with Mild Cartoon Violence.
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You mean Sonic Adventure 4 right? Because Sonic 06 already came out.


well, i myself own an xbox 360 a ps3, and a wii that is somewhere, but not a wii-u or a 3DS. but i agree it would be dumb for them to make that an exclusive, but i don't know whether to be afraid of a new sonic adventure title because of how much sonic has changed or not, i mean if you think about it, with using sonics new mechanics, a lot could go wrong, if they where going to, i would hope it would be using some of the old physics from SA1 and 2, the last thing we need is another sonic 06...


This may be a good or bad thing but, if you pause at the right moment at 1:17 that could be a slicer on the right... I don't know....but it really looks like it... this game is looking great though!


The new wisp powers look very interesting. Especially the Eagle. This Sonic game is shaping up to look like it'll be fantastic!


"You'r fate is to be destroyed, would you just accept that, lie down and DIE!!!"
Best line a villain has said in sonic history


well judging by all of the speculations of them being mutant wisps, I think that was the point >.>


"would you just accept that and lie down and die"
that's a bit dark isn't it sega?


Sonic has had voice acting for 15 years. Why is this a surprise to you?


This game does look allright but I think what's obsured ia the powers supposedly called wisps that I never knew existed.Sega please stop trying to copy Nintendo with Mario and his mushrooms and calling them wisps instead.Anyways Sonic2006 was a pretty good game
It was great story and even had split screen versus also a Sonic Adventure 3 should be made in order to finish the Sonic Adventure series and do it right this time and hopefully a reveal about a Sega Spectrum and what it is also Sega Dream cast 2 as well


if they wouldn't make it childish, it wouldn't have be, if they would add more gore and actual loss in the game, posing sonic in hard times, adding revenge, rage, and more doubts and thoughts about the game's end, it wasn't as it is today before, now its sonic saves the world from doctor eggman and will inevitably win easily, the same story repeating itself, there is no passion, but i don't say sonic doesn't have potential, he could be great, it's sega who only care about their wallets, and not about the game


@toshiro well if the world ran on tht kind of logic, which it kinda already does, mario wouldnt be the phenomenon he is today. besides some mascots have to find wht works for them and clearly the endgy teen stuff doesn't work for sonic. I like a good serious stroyline as much as the nest guy but for me I think "childish" works for sonic. he is a cartoon after all. plus if he went edgey again u would get shit like SA2 through 06. to me sonic fould wht work for him in unleashed and onward


I wish as much thought had gone into the new Super Mario World game as this game seems to have. New powers, re-imagined old powers, new and old camera mixed (seemingly) perfectly to revitalize a sterile game experience...why can this not be a Mario game? I know why it can't, because it's a Sonic game, but come on! Nintendo worked on this game...and you know what, this could be the "Mario 64" of The Sonic games.


This will be the first sonic game I am definitely not interested in. The environment looks cool. Fantastic. But the new powers make me facepalm as much as the villain designs. I still miss Sonic's old voice, too. Well, any of his old voices. I really don't care for this one. Even if you don't bring an old voice actor back, at least get another one that doesn't make it sound like Sonic is getting younger instead of older. It seems like this will be a type of "silly" game.


To those people who want the game on other consoles its not going to happen its basically sonic colors 2 that and they have the 3 title deal with nintendo and 2 have already been anouced this and the new winter olypics and one more had yet to be revealed and the third game is going to be on wii and 3ds so to those people who want a sonic on ps4/xboxone/pc yall have to wait a while


i didn't say it isn't hard to make, i said they make them childish, and for a big company such as sega, thrust me, it is harder for them all to fart at the same time than to make a game, they already created takes time, its true, but i rather wait than to receive kinder garden shitty type of a game from them.


Boost was cool and everything but that was basically the run button for sonic. I hate it when people spam the boost button in playthroughs. If your doing a speed run then thats fine for spamming the boost. The boost is too overpowered. You should not be able to get boost through rings but through item capsules and have the boost gauge go down faster. Thats MY OPINION!


I kinda wish they didn't put the color power wisps in this game even though they're awesome but they should have waited until they made a Sonic Colors 2 game. They need to branch out and discover other strengths and new powers (besides the wisps and Sonic's new moves). I still think it's going to be a great game.


You say "kid", then imply that his childhood is over. Also, you act as if your opinion is a fact. Clearly you do not understand what an opinion is. Also, you're quite the hypocrite for saying that he's blindly defending Nintendo when that is exactly what you are doing for Sony.
And for the record, I was always more of a SEGA fan than Nintendo.


If you don't like what you see, you can just get out. I for one don't think this looks like Galaxy, if you even think Galaxy is an innovation, you're only fooling yourself because it wasn't. This game looks cool, Xtreme is definitely a contribution to this game and I don't believe that the creators of this game didn't take anything from Xtreme.


I own, a wii u, so as for myself, I don't care if it's exclusive. But, if SA3 was to be officially made, it would be stupid for it to be exclusive to any specific console, because with SA3 being such a big title, SEGA would want as many sales as possible. There will be a third nintendo exclusive Sonic game, but I highly doubt it will be SA3
