GATE vs MS Abroad - Harsh Truth 😤🚨

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Extract of Momentum Podcast Ep. 71
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#Momentum #Podcast #71
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The line : Ho gaya tab bhi nhi hotaa 😂😂


This is not competition this is dangerous effect of population 😂


indian competitive exams are design such, that it make you mature!!


Doing Engineering in practical and passing these exams have a huge difference.
It's literally not that useful to put this much effort to just pass competitive exams.
We must have more colleges in India with better and updated facilities.


Even doing an MS is tough. Students work part time in restaurant, garage, gardens etc to earn their bread, simultaneously doing assignments and project work, studies. And for sure the quality of education provided in developed countries like US, Germany is far more better than that of the IITs. Moreover, it is more likely to get a good job if you have done masters from abroad than from India. The opportunities are more in abroad and the job applicants are less. So, if you can anyhow afford an MS in abroad, go for it.


Gate is tougher than jee advanced but it's just underrated..


The quality of education you'll get in MS will always be greater than IIT


I've been through both stages, and I must point out that you're overlooking a key difference. Gaining admission is one thing, but completing an MS on time with strong results is an entirely different challenge. For context, I did my MS from Aachen, Germany, and my GATE rank in 2017 was 1269.


At the end of the everyone is looking for a better life, a better job. Doing an MS opens a lot more opportunities for indivisuals, anyways getting an admission in a top college abroad is also no joke and then studies in abroad is a lot more difficult and practical. The choice is yours.


This complete video is bullcrap and total misconceptions.
even if u clear gate with minimum marks u will surely get IIT NIT or IIITs.
U just have to fill all the lower ranked institute forms from above mentioned and give best in your interview.

and MS in US u have to give tests for english fluency and comprehension and its not easy.
and when u go to US or other country the fees and all expenses will cross easoly 40lack ur loan amount will accumulate over 70lack. and u have to work part time jobs while studying to get some money for daily needs and wants.

If some path is easy then its a wrong path or u r just dilusional that it will be easy.

GATE path looks hard but its moderate and MS in US/EU path looks easy but when u go and do its hard.


Why to do anything that is easy and that doesn't teach you enough.
Dream big, Grind in, have that grit and crack it.


Living in the US is tough and this is the real truth.


I am from CS still confused between MS in India vs abroad. In CS field many prefer MS abroad only. Kindly bring clarity.


But outcome after doing MS is far greater than GATE


You could have proved your point in a better way. You need not demean one degree just to describe how tough a competitive exam is! GATE is an competitive exam, MS is a 2 year degree program. It’s not easy as you say it is. Especially in Europe, students learn a new language along with completing a practical degree which has projects and thesis!


I just applied for GATE after being jobless for 3 years. I think I can't even dream for it 😂


I have a question?? How can i concentrate on my studies more and get into my dream college. I am really scared can you please answer


Paisa kaise laoge bhaiyya . Mana ki admission lena asaan hai ..par paisa


Smart ppl will do MS coz less competition better career more money. Fools will do gate, more competition, poor career leas money. Smart ppl understands market and market principles like demand and supply…fools go by what society perceives to be good


Yeah i would agree you brush a bit on your studies to get gate but but but there is a difference between learning new things and innovating (which you would do in other countries) and just trying to increase your efficiency in solving questions again and again.

I am not trying to undermine the hardwork that people put in but just grinding is not the same as learning and applying new things

This also comes to show in r and d when it comes to india be it the government or in general we being a relatively poor country we have to accept somewhere that we have not been very aggressive at reseqrch and development
