Differences between Arraylist vs Linkedlist Java Interview Questions | Vector vs Array | Code Decode

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It covers live demo and in depth explanation of very frequently asked differences like Array VS ArrayList, ArrayList Vs Vector and ArrayList Vs LinkedList.

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Difference between Array and ArrayList.
Array is static in size.
ArrayList is dynamic in size. It can be resized itself when needed.
Array is a fixed length data structure
ArrayList is a variable length Collection class.
An array can store both objects and primitives type.
We cannot store primitive type in ArrayList. It automatically converts primitive type to object.
It performs fast in comparison to ArrayList because of fixed size.
resize() operation : Automatic resize will slow down the performance as it will use temporary array to copy elements from the old array to new array.(by 50%)
add() or get() operation : almost same performance , as for ArrayList object these operations run in constant time.
It is mandatory to provide the size of an array while initializing it directly or indirectly.
We can create an instance of ArrayList without specifying its size. Java creates ArrayList of default size.
We use for loop or for each loop to iterate over an array.
We can use an iterator also to iterate over ArrayList.
Array provides a length variable which denotes the length of an array.
ArrayList provides the size() method to determine the size of ArrayList.
Array can be multi-dimensional.
ArrayList is always single-dimensional.
the elements are contained in adjacent memory locations.
the objects are incapable of being contained in contiguous locations.
The assignment operator is put to use for the storage of elements.
The add() attribute is utilized for the insertion of elements in an ArrayList.
Generics are not compatible with Arrays.
ArrayLists allow the use of Generics.
Difference between ArrayList and Vector
ArrayList is not synchronized.
Vector is synchronized.
Not Thread Safe
Thread Safe
ArrayList is fast because it is non-synchronized.
ArrayList increments 50% of current array size
Vector increments 100% means doubles the array size.
Iterating Values
Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList
ArrayList internally uses a dynamic array to store its elements.
LinkedList uses Doubly Linked List to store its elements.
ArrayList implements only List.
LinkedList implements List as well as Queue. It can acts as a queue as well.
Manipulation with ArrayList is slow because it internally uses an array. If any element is removed from the array, all the other elements are shifted in memory.

LinkedList is slower than ArrayList in storing and accessing data as access requires node by node traversal.
there is no descendingIterator() in ArrayList
LinkedList can be iterated in reverse direction using descendingIterator()
If the constructor is not overloaded , then ArrayList creates an empty list of initial capacity 10
There is no case of default capacity in a LinkedList. Hence an empty list is created when a LinkedList is initialized.
In ArrayList Memory overhead is less as each index only holds the actual object(data).
Memory overhead in LinkedList is more as compared to ArrayList as node in LinkedList needs to maintain the addresses of next and previous node.

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The unique thing about your tutorial is we get to see the actual implementation of framework. Rather than just remembering keywords like synchronised, legacy etc


Thank you for the detailed information. Please share a video on microservices with different databases connection.


One of the best explanation as I often thought as of adding element at the end or middle in linked list would be slower but now it’s easier😊


Thanks. Questions like difference between hashmap &hashset, concurrentHashmap and synchronised, hashmap and linkedHashmap, etc.


Great tutorials with demonstration from you.... always.



i have learnt a lot from your vdos thank you


Thanks a lot ... All doughts are cleared about linkedlist and arraylist ..👍👍👌🙂


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Thank Mam For this Java Interview Questions and ans Series.
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Great video....can you also explain how lambda expression are handled during compile time please


sorry but i think when the arraylist gets full at that time it uses one formula to resize the list and that is n+(n/2)+1

so suppose we have 10 elements right now the moment we try to add 11th element at that time it will be resized to 16 not to 15. because it uses this formula to resize the list internally


Mam, thank you for this video but plz explain all java 8 coding interview questions like find name who has 2nd highest salary, or salary greater then 2.5k and so on questions plz


could you please explain internal implementation ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMap, TreeMap


Great tutorials. Learnt alot from your videos. Can you please explain the time complexity for ArrayList and LinkedList ?


please explain differences between abstractlist and abstractsequentiallist


very good contents and nice explaination. Please continue to give knowledge. And can we please get these ppt shared with us


Mam pleased increase frequency of adding content...


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Hash map and hashset and concurrent map difference with example mam
