Mary anoints Jesus - Bible story for kids

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One day, Jesus was invited to have dinner at the house of a Pharisee named Simon.
Jesus happily accepted the invitation.
He went to Simon's house with His disciples.
There were also many other people there who had come to talk with Jesus.
A woman named Mary heard that Jesus was at Simon's house.
She brought a special jar of perfume with her.
When she arrived, she started to cry, and her tears wet Jesus' feet.
She wiped them with her hair, gently kissed them, and poured the precious perfume on them.
When Judas and the other disciples saw what Mary was doing, they became upset.
They said, "What a waste! This perfume could have been sold for a lot of money, and we could have given that money to the poor."
But Jesus told them, "Don't bother her. She has done something beautiful for me."
Jesus told everyone, "Whenever people hear the good news about Me all around the world, they will also hear about what Mary has done in my memory."
Then, Jesus turned to Mary and said, "Your sins are forgiven."
Some of the guests whispered to each other, "Who is this man who can forgive sins?"
Jesus told Mary, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."
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