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STIHL vs HUSQVARNA vs ECHO...WHO WILL BE THE WINNER???? The STIHL MS400i is a great saw...but not cheap! The HUSQVARNA 562XP MARK ll is very smooth and runs great! The ECHO CS620PW is a well built chainsaw that costs WAY less plus comes with a 5 year warranty!!
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I’m a diehard Husqvarna guy. I own 7 with the oldest one being 46 years old. Having said that, when someone asks me what saw they should buy to start a firewood business I tell them Echo 590 or 620. For the money you can’t beat the price, quality, and warranty.


" Yes, yes, and yes!" To each of those 3 saws!💪


Warranty on the echo is the reason to buy along with the price. I love mine.


There will always be pros and cons to each saw brand; it depends on what you are using the saws for and what kind of wood you will primarily cut. Both Husqvarna and Stihl are the most common and have a larger market, but Echo can still hold its own--especially if cost is important. One thing that is very important when looking for a saw(s), is to find out which brand has an authorized reseller and service center in your area--this is an absolutely key factor.

For myself, doing firewood up here in central British Columbia, I do it all (felling, limbing, bucking) with my Echo CS-600P and CS-620P. I've also been brushing using my friend's Husky 55 (great saw) for a week clearing 15 hectares of birch, cottonwood, and aspen; this is my first time using a Husky. On the echos, I run a 24" and 27" bar with Oregon Powercut chains--the other key factor with any saw is to make sure the chain is "Sharp"!


I bought the Stihl 400 about 18 months ago and have been super happy with it using it to fell a few trees on the property and 5+ cords of firewood yearly. My neighbor has the Echo 590 and it feels very similar. Still haven't tried out a husky. The dealer network is what drove my decision.


That Echo sure looks good with that full wrap handle.


I always thought of echo as a homeowner, junk brand. However they have definitely been kicking it up a notch recently and trying to bring their name back. Both the weedwackers and saws. Great quality, great warranties at an amazing price. If they keep it going I will definitely be buying more echo saws and less husky’s in the future. We have a cs590 and as of yesterday a cs4910


I have used echo saws now for 5 years 501p the longest now 620, 7310 and a 4310sx . Absolutely no complaints whatsoever great saws 501p is one of if not the best 50cc saw ever made . I also have a 500i stihl and well nothing touches that . That is the best saw you can buy


Bought an MS362 recently. And holy hell, what a saw. Eats through all kinds of big oak like its softwood. The m-tronic system is cool, pending it doesn't break


I like saws & trucks that work doesn't matter who made them just get the job done!


Should be the answer!
Any tree service/firewood/logger guy that needs under 28”/70cc buy the Echo CS620!
It’s a no brainer, I have 10yrs shop experience with
Husky/Stihl/Echo saws.
This is about production, business, downtime, and part replacement costs.
1sec doesn’t matter if the saw won’t hold up and still make you money after the warranty ends.
CS620 is comparable to a 365/372 non x-torq, the ms400 & 562xp are electronic strato saws.


Good one. Like this videos.
The wood I took out of my wood pile bin, the locust was 26% moisture. White birch at 20%. Maple, not sure if hard or soft type, between 30 % to 36%.
All been in the bin since last September. No mould. Test all fresh splits. 👍🏻👍🏻


That 400c looks good in your hands Chris!
That’s what I have. Absolutely love it.


I ordered a Husqvarna 460 rancher, it delivers today. Can't wait to try it. I've been using a little poulan pro 42cc. It struggles with some of the bigger stuff I've cut but it's done 4 cords worth of cutting so far.


I have a 620 PW with an iron horse on it, and a 360 pro with a barkbox.Dont know which one I enjoy more for a Midwest firewood saw, both are a dream to run!

I would say the echo probably has slightly more torque. I go back and forth between a 24” full house, and a 28” full skip on the echo.

The 360 I run a 20” only on, and they’re both a ton of fun

Also, that echo is running a little rich, with a refined tune and 10 tanks through it, it would keep up really well, even stock


I have used many different saw's and I use to say the same thing if they cut good then it's a good saw. But as time moves on you start thinking differently. A really good Chain is what helps make the saw so good but no matter what saw you are running you start adding how many times that saw breaks down and the cost of the saw to have it fixed or to get the part for that saw. I had a new cheap saw I wanted to play with and a guy I knew that was about 58 years old needed help with his wood. We started together and he was running a STIHL. I with a cheap Wal-Mart saw was out cutting him and his STIHL was cutting poorly. Then it happen it broke. He took it in to the STIHL dealer to get the part and yes the part that broke was made out of plastic. Now I say the saw is only good as long as it is running and the chain is sharp lmao. I have worked with guys that assumed they knew more about cutting then I did and they would not take my advice after all they know more then I do. I told them many times not to lay down to much pressure let the saw do the work but they seem to think the more they put their weight in to the saw the faster it will cut.


Ahhhh man glitter in the morning, nice line up of cutters Chris and saws. Keep on cutting now that the monsoons have slowed


Nice! I had the opportunity to use a 592xp with only a 24“ bar at a dealership and I must say for it‘s size it handles very well. I am sure a longer bar could change that dynamic. Enjoyed the video👍


All good saws. You underestimate the Stihls unfair advantage. It has almost 10% more CCs, the Bark Box is a modded muffler. One of the most common performance Mods.
That 562 needs a mod on the muffler, its biggest weakness is heat.


I have and run all the 3 🍊 brands.
Stihl: 201t, 170, 461, 660
Husky: 460, 545, 372, 572
Echo: 355t, 4910, 590, 620
But for the price everyone should have an Echo CS-590/620 in their saw lineup, best bang for the buck saw ever
