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Фрагмент беседы Грязнова А.Ю. с Буртаевым Ю.В. - Деление ядер
Февраль 2019 г.. МГУ, Физическое общество им. А. Г. Столетова
Февраль 2019 г.. МГУ, Физическое общество им. А. Г. Столетова
Fritz Straßmann - Mainzer Spuren
☢️ Atomic Breakthrough: Hahn and Strassmann's Nuclear Fission ⚛️ #innovation #science #Shorts #...
открытие энергии история
Energy or death, the gift and destruction of humanity... #history
Otto Hahn: The Discovery That Changed the World Forever?
OTTO HAHN, “Father of nuclear chemistry” #history #travel
The Shocking Story Behind the Discovery of Nuclear Fission
Otto Hahn et Fritz Strassmann font une découverte
The World Will Never Be the Same - The First Nuclear Bomb and the Day Humanity Changed Forever
The discovery of nuclear fission - #Shorts
Otto Hahn: The Father of Nuclear Fission | Nobel Prize Winner #science #nuclear #chemistry #history
Otto Hahns Arbeitsgeräte im Deutschen Museum München
Historische Fakten: Die erste Kernspaltung
Как появилось ядерное оружие? | Темная история атомного века....
The Splitting of the Atom | How 1938 Changed Science Forever
The Birth of the Atomic Bomb: How Two German Chemists Made a Startling Discovery, Part 1. #shorts
In the 1930s, Meitner, Hahn, and Strassmann did experiments irradiating uranium with neutrons They
Awal mula terbentuknya Proyek Manhattan #proyekmanhattan #bomatom
Fritz Strassmann | Wikipedia audio article
Mind-Blowing Science Discoveries №11 #facts #shorts #science
Aus dem Ehrensaal: Prominente Köpfe der Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Hatten die Nazis eine Atombombe?
75 Years of Fission