#pov the role of a queen changes throughout generations… or did it? #acting #shorts

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As a girl, I heard the most absurd thing. They told me I could not wear my crop top on a hot summer day, because the teacher said he could not focus. He said I created an undafe learning environment.

Mind you, this man is 50. Girls, the world is crazy, its not you who has a problem.


, ,dont make your daughters afraid, make your sons polite"
A wise pearson


“Instead of protecting your daughters, teach your sons”

- Lala Sadii


This happened to me once. I was doing a project and I’m in GRADE SCHOOL at this time. And this dude literally comes up to me and says “We’ll aren’t you a pretty little lady” and did a creepy little laughter at the end. There was a mom in between us and said “Thank you” really uncomfortably and then he pointed at me and said “We’ll you’re pretty too but I’m talking to that girl in front of us. My mom being the absolute queen she is stood behind me gave him one nasty look and held me so tight walking out to the car. He then walked outside and stared at me walking to the car while doing a really creepy laughter and smile. Btw this dude was like old enough to be my grandpa!! Now me and my mom have a code word so I can tell her when I’m feeling uncomfortable sadly it had to be used a couple other times too.😢😢


i like how in all (most) of your generational videos the 3rd one always wears that edgy black dress




My principal is kinda creepy. I wore a t-shirt showing a little shoulder and he kept looking at me all creepy like. then he kept putting his hand on my shoulder and so many ppl saw it. they all think somethings wrong with him. then he rubbed my shoulders until he got to my back bc i kept moving forward bc i hate when ppl touch my shoulders unless its a friends. yeah sooo


Guy: What a pretty distraction
Queen: Guards! Seize him!


I love how when they are a princess they have 2 of the hairstyle (2 braids, 2 pigtail, hair parted into two parts) and when they grow up it's one to show they're the same person (One braid, ponytail, hair over one shoulder)


There's a quote from this Hindi movie:
Nazare aapki kharab aur parda ham Dale?

Loosely translated:
You're gaze is twisted, why are we pulling the curtains?


The worst thing that has ever happend was one time when i was walking home and I wasn’t even wearing anything innapropriate! i was wearing a jumper and a pair of shorts! And a boy who was older than me who was walking behind me tapped on my shoulder and said he could see my lower thighs and it was annoying him and i should tie my jumper around my waist so he didn’t have to look at my legs. And i was so young i just did what he said and I cried my way home. It is not fair girls have to deal with this, ive been followed, chased, stalked, harassed, bullied and teased ALL MY LIFE! Being a girl shouldn’t be a burden on boys don’t teach us to cover up and deal with it, they should nock some sence into the idiots who think they can do whatever they want!


Men dont realize how bad it actually is or most are blind to it. I was 9yrs old when I was SAd by a man old enough to be my grandfather. Nine. 10 when I first started being catcalled. This isnt just a grown person problem, this affects our entire lives. If they have an issue with how your dress, thats on them, not you.

I love SkyDxddy's music, especially 'Pretty Distraction' makes me feel heard


I was a month away from my 12 birthday when my entire class received a lecture because one of our teachers had complained that because of the level of his dais vs our desks, he could look down the cleavage of the girls in the front row and he couldn't focus on teaching. He was in his late 30s and married. We all were reprimanded despite being within the school's draconian dress code (Catholic school) and those who had started developing early were made to sit at the back of the class.

About three weeks later a different teacher 31 years older than me began a "relationship" with me that lasted two years. Curiously he didn't get lectured for that. Or punished in any way. 16 years later he still has his job.


For me personally I Wear baggy clothes that hide my shape, but that’s what I feel confident in. My friend feels more comfortable in tighter clothing and that is perfectly fine, if I have a kid that is confident in their clothes I feel I have succeeded in an area of parenting. Girls it’s not your fault to cover up teach men and others around us to control themselves.❤


One day I was wearing a shirt with straps and men kept telling my mum I need to cover up I was distracting them. They were full grown adults staring at me when I was 9


I’m a male and I go through the same thing, actually it’s funny because more women touch me and flirt w/ me more than men. Ik this only goes for girls but I’d also like to say Ty for recognizing me and other men & women who really need help


I love how she speaks up for motivation along with entertaining others♥️😭✌🏻


once i wore a sleeveless shirt to school and was told by a teacher who was old enough to be my grandpa that i was distracting him. He said i had to put a jacket on before something happens 💀


You know, our school has a dress code that girls can wear anything that is not knee length, and not just that many others, but boys, the only rule they have is that bullying is not allowed


“Instead of protecting your daughters, teach your sons”
