The Two Viruses That We’ve Had For Millions of Years

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There’s one kind of herpesvirus that’s specific to one species of primate, and each virus split off from the herpesvirus family tree when the primate split off from its own tree. But of course, humans are a special kind of primate.

Here are the two studies we discuss in this episode:
Wertheim, J. O., Smith, M. D., Smith, D. M., Scheffler, K., & Kosakovsky Pond, S. L. (2014). Evolutionary origins of human herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2. Molecular biology and evolution, 31(9), 2356-2364.

Underdown, S. J., Kumar, K., & Houldcroft, C. (2017). Network analysis of the hominin origin of Herpes Simplex virus 2 from fossil data. Virus evolution, 3(2), vex026.

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Hey Eons fam! We’ve seen your comments about how many herpesviruses humans can have and we wanted to clarify a few things. The two viruses we focused on for this episode are the herpes simplex viruses, HSV-1 and HSV-2. But they’re not the only herpesviruses that can infect humans, they’re just the ones we usually call “herpes.” There are actually eight herpesviruses that we’re the primary host of, including the familiar ones that cause chickenpox/shingles and mono. We can also be infected by herpesviruses from other species (like we talked about here), with herpes B from macaques being probably the most well-known (and VERY rare) example. Thanks for watching!


When it comes to chimp herpes documentaries, this is definitely in my Top 3


"Nah babe, of course I didn't sleep with someone else. I got it from my hominid ancestors."


Can I take a moment to shout out everyone in the comment section for choosing to watch an educational video instead of the millions of other toxic videos they could have chosen on Youtube at this very moment. Good job. The fact that you landed here says something positive about you. Keep learning!


If only Gordon Ramsay has a time machine, this all could've been prevented by him suddenly appearing and stopping said primate ancestor by loudly yelling, "It's raw!"


I really appreciate this channel's efforts to provide a cohesive narrative while still clearly stating the inherent issues with incomplete theoretical models like this one. It's a fine line that no doubt causes endless frustrations to the channel's research team, and I, for one, would like to thank you.


I can’t wait to bring this up in casual conversation or at parties.


"The virus could have been transmitted by mating, which I'm sure has crossed your mind" DON'T JUDGE ME, BLAKE!!!!


EDIT: After watching the video and hearing that last line, I see why you've done this episode, and right now. Thank you for that.


That's very interesting! When I studied nursing, there wasn't this information on the origins of HSV (graduated from nursing school in 1996). We knew it was a virus and that it became known as a virus in the 1940s but that was it. It's very interesting to learn origins of pathology to me because it gives more depth to what I already know. I imagine for some, this is less interesting because they may have already learned this in high school biology and consider it "common knowledge". Thankfully, amidst all the madness of our world, we can still manage to do meaningful research and exploration.


Human Herpes Viruses include HSV1 and 2, as described. But also infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox/shingles, Burkitt's lymphoma, and cytomegalovirus. I'd like to know about those, as well.


Blake looks like he’s been crushing some weights man.
Someone tell Muscle Hank over at a SciShow he has some competition.


I really wish these videos were around when I was younger. This is definitely a field of science I'd want to follow! Thank you Eons

As a kid some used to make fun of me for watching Star Trek... and Nova. PBS has been helping to educate me since I was a kid... I need to donate more.


PBS Eons have outdone themselves, this feels like a brain massage and it's beautiful


That was my first thought
"Someone clapped chimp cheeks"


This bump? Nah baby, I've had it for millions of years..


I can’t say I ever wanted to know so much about herpes, but I just can’t stop myself from watching your videos


How did malaria come to be? It’s lifecycle is so bizarre!


I love PBS Eons, great hosts, straight to the point, super informative no BS. Like for instance in this video, right from the start it dived right in the topic. In 9:30 there are a tremendous amount of education & information there presented in a crystal clear way, thank you.


Never in my long life have I seen an individual get as excited talking about herpes, as this guy .
