Creating Scaffold Models in Visual Studio

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Carlos joins us for another lesson on how to work with the Razor Pages application using Visual Studio. Learn how to use Microsoft’s #VisualStudio to create a new model and generate a scaffold.
In addition to learning how to generate a new model and scaffold in Visual Studio, we’ll also learn how to run migrations using Dotnet CLI on Mac or Package Manager Console on Windows. Finally, we’ll learn how to make changes to the database using the CRUD pages our scaffold created for us.
The breakdown:
· Learn how to use Microsoft’s Visual Studio to:
· Generate a model and scaffold
· Run migrations
· Work with CRUD pages
Ready to learn more? Check out some of our articles and courses below.
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In addition to learning how to generate a new model and scaffold in Visual Studio, we’ll also learn how to run migrations using Dotnet CLI on Mac or Package Manager Console on Windows. Finally, we’ll learn how to make changes to the database using the CRUD pages our scaffold created for us.
The breakdown:
· Learn how to use Microsoft’s Visual Studio to:
· Generate a model and scaffold
· Run migrations
· Work with CRUD pages
Ready to learn more? Check out some of our articles and courses below.
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Join the millions learning to code with Codecademy.
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