'Σαρκί υπνώσας' Ήχος Β' Εξαποστειλάριον του Πάσχα

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"Thou didst sleep in the flesh" Second Tone, Exaposteilarion hymn of Pascha, Matins of the Resurrection
Protopsaltis (Head Chorister) Jeremy Kargas sings in the Orthodox Cathedral of Archangels, Adelaide, Australia
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Hi! Not sure if you will see this, since you posted it 6 years ago, but do you happen to have the score for this, in either Western or Byzantine notation? I like that you go down on thanatos; most chanters don't do this, and I have the standard scores that they use, but in my parish, we do it like this in English...I'd like to see a score in Greek with it, if possible.
