Coronavirus & Invisalign. Self-isolation & closed dental offices, could lead to Invisalign disaster.

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Dr. Ben Fong, 2019 Platinum GP dentist in Canada. First of series of Invisalign videos that will benefit you thought this Coronavirus crisis. Myths on what you can and can not do. Our info is backed up by surveys of our 1500 plus Invisalign patients and our own personal experiance as 10 of my 11 Invisalign team members are Invisalign success cases.
I do want to take this opportunity to thank all the hard-working people risking their health for the survival of others like me that has a non essential services job. Thumbs up to our healthcare professionals such as the, doctors, and nurses and essential service workers such as to our First responders, police officers, bus drivers, bank tellers and store clerks.
I also hope everyone is well and that we are all following the guidelines established to prevent the spread of this COVID 19 disease and stay home, social distancing and going out as little as possible except for the essential needs

Now, I'd like to Formally greet all my Herongate Dental patients and also patients of Dr. Bracanovich from Sparks Dental and patients form other Dental Corp offices.

I’m creating this video because we are no longer allow to see our Orthodontic patients as it is consider a non essential service. I do want to reassure each and everyone of you that you have my best interest at heart and I want minimize any confusion, misunderstandings and rectify any problem that has developed over the past few weeks. Our office is still open for telephone calls so please call if you have any emergencies.

With this video I will address the most common problems and questions that you may have regarding Invisalign.

First of all it’s so important that everyone follows the handout that has I gave you on your first Invisalign insertion appointment that has the 8 rules. It is more crucial than ever that you follow these instructions. I will be doing a separate Invisalign video regarding the list the 8 rules for you to have a successful Invisalign Treatment.

The most common problem is that you will be running out of aligner trays.
Because our office is still open from 8 to 4, we have been calling you to make arrangements to have invisalign trays mail to you. I will analyze each patient’s case to make sure that your Treatment will go uninterrupted. We will make arrangements to have your next aligners sent to you by mail. If your next aligner trays call for your teeth to be reshape and resize or changes to your attachments, you will not be able to advance. You will need to stay on your last Invisalign tray and possibly nighttime wear only. if you feel the nighttime were does not allow the teeth to be stabilized, it would mean that your bite might be at a misalignment stage and you would have to go full-time wear continuously. If necessary, we can order you replacement aligners for you to carry over until we can see you accordingly.

For those of you that may have lost your last aligners or all your remaining aligners, or they are just too warn out to wear, you simply go back to your previous aligners. You can go back as much as 2 aligners but you must one of you previous aligners to prevent complete relapse. As one of my rules, It is so important not to discard any of your old aligners for that reason. Call the office ASAP as we are still open to take emergency calls and we can access your situation and advice you accordingly.

For those of you that are finishing your treatment and you only have a few aligners to go. It’s important that you follow the instructions that we have given you by phone because the final liners are sometimes extra liners that are not needed. My treatment plan is different with every patient so the last aligners can be extra retainers to hold the teeth or it acts up close any loose gaps.

Because a lot of you will be wearing aligners a lot longer than you should, it’s crucial that you clean them properly. I would recommend you clean your aligners at least twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening before you go to bed. The aligners have to cleaned inside and outside and my recommendation is to use a Sonicare toothbrush because it’s automated, vibrate and brushes at the same time. Please use a non abrasive tooth paste, just simply diluted mix of mouthwash, or just water.

Finally, I like to assure all of you that once our office opens up again, each of your treatment will be accessed and if necessary, a new set of aligner trays will be made to achieve the goals that we had initially set.

Рекомендации по теме

These aligners are getting brittle, and inside coating is comming off.
After a month they crack where the attachments are.
It is not designed to last longer than a month.
In my opinion its is a treatment and i would consider it as emergency.
Just had to super glue mine but it crackes in more places...

Frustrating... and its wrong that dentists are shut.

... my huble opinion
