XSLT - Transformation of XML

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Transform your existing XML documents to HTML, PDF or a new XML document with a XSL file. XSLT is very handy and an elegant way of converting data into other formats.
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Thank you for all your videos and for being so attentive, always coming back and helping ppl on the coments section. Your channel is pure gold. A big thank you from 🇧🇷. Wishing you all the best!


Wow, believe it or not I actually had a whole "XML Technologies" course at university, they never told us a browser is capable of making XSLT transformations, we did it in some web app.... Thanks!


Very nice Mike. Got the concept in a very little time. Thanks,


Another interesting topic (candidate for a youtube video) would be to go from one XSL to modularize XSL in terms of using <xsl:include> or <xsl:import>. This is very good when code grows and you want to split your solution in smaller chunks..


Hello Mike. Thank you for the videos, very helpful! I have a tricky question:
Instead of having this XML:
<plant>Coconut Palms</plant>

you have this XML:

Every Plant in the XML is shown as a code (<code>1</code>, <code>2</code>, <code>3</code>)
The Plant values of the code is stored in an external-file (plant.json or plant.xml)
In external-file the plants are listed with the "Key" and "Value" (for example: Key "1" = Value "Cactus", ...)

Is it possible to link in the xsl-File to the external-file (plant.json or plant.xml) and get the values from the content?

It happens to work with a large amount of data so the idea was to keep the XSL lightweigt and store the "plant"-Data in a external-file.
Other xsl-Files can then also use to the extern-file.

thank you, tom


Great video. Would be great to have a video that walks through XSLT automation, thus triggering the XSLT, say from terminal, so the transformation does not depend on a Java IDE.


hi, lets suppose i have xmlns attribute in one of the parent tag : <App xmlns="ccc">//child tags</pp>
so, i am facing issue in getting the child tag value. how to resolve this?


thank you for the helpful content, I have the problem that my browser, after describing the type, doesn't convert the xls, its only show me my xml content, do you maybe know where is the issue?


I am receiving large data returns from an API (114 MB). I have tried ADO - failed abysmally. I tried reshaping the data using LiNQ for XML - not much better at performance! So, now I am interested in the performance of XSLT against Big Data API. I use NewtonSoft to deserialize the JSon into XML.
I have a result document that looks like:
about 30 data elements
record repeats between 10, 000 records to ~ 50, 000 records. The DOM naturally goes to sleep chewing on these files. I have tried converting the JSon to XDocuments containing XElements and LiNQ doesn't perform all that well on these unformatted chunks of data.

Would XSLT perform any better? Or, would this best be served to throw it up on AWS to a DocumentDB resource? Upsize it, index it and transform it with the Horsepower of AWS?


Hi do you have any tutorial on generating bar chart using XSL ?


Hi Mike I've a requirement that i have to convert a CSV file to a xml file with xslt. I have to us that xslt file to load as a transform file in my AX Aif File system adapter services.
i have tried couple of code that i got from a blog, couldnt worked out well,

all i have a ax table that need to be filled with values of a csv file from a shared parth on a network by aif concept in AX 2012.


xsl:template match= is replace a for loop also.


I Mike..it's really great explanation..Now i have to add a image in top left html report..please suggest any explanation..


I would really appreciate if you could do a video about creating an Output with : Xslt into Spreadsheet(Excel-Output). Unfortunatelly There are only videos about XSLT into HTML.
