Ken Ham Responds to Critics

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Ken Ham joined us on Apologia TV to talk about his critics about reclaiming the rainbow and the Ark Encounter. Ken is with Answers in Genesis and is responsible for the creation of the Ark Encounter (a theme park around a full-size replica of the Ark) and the Creation Museum. We think you'll thoroughly enjoy this TV show and we would be honored if you shared it and helped us get Dr. Ham's message out.

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They tried to silence me at a church camp for talking about how the rainbow was a sign of God's promise that He wouldn't flood the entire world with water again and that it belongs to God rather than Alphabet Soup. They were mad because what I was saying was "offensive".


My son, my husband, and I just went to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in August.


Why do all these hateful people watch Apologia? Repent and believe the gospel, hopefully it will bring you some joy!


As a Christian who opposes AiG and Ken Ham's ministry, I want to give some advice to nonbelievers. You must not go down the road of being mean and insulting. That won't change their mind and it just makes you look like a mean-spirited person. Because the fact is, many of you are mean spirited.

I promise you, the only hope of changing their minds is leaving it up to people in the Christian community to convince them that opposing YECism doesn't make you non Christian. We can maintain our faith in the core tenants of Christianity, and we don't have to abandon the fact that the Bible is God's word. There are many valid ways this is done. It's ultimately the only reason I became open to understanding the actual real science. And I maintained a solid faith and I changed my view on YECism practically overnight.

My story is very common. It's even common amongst some of the world's most known theologians.


Love Ken Ham! And i can't wait to visit the Ark. We're going as a group about 50 of us. It's going to be so fun! Then afterwards i will go with my immediate family.


So Jeff does Apologia back a YEC position?


Man, I really respect you guys.. but Ken Ham? Please, no. You're critical of SO MANY people, but Ken Ham got a pass?


Ken ham is probably the most unintelligent person on the planet


Ken Ham . Do you think atheist come just to laugh or do mostly Young Earth Creationist that believe like you attend to reinforce there beliefs ? Which group are you trying to reach with the gospel ?


I've been using the rainbow to fight atheism for a while now. It's just so unlikely that the colors just randomly painted themselves like that without a God. "It's no surprise to me that Satan has taken a sacred symbol for his uses." -John MacArthur


The museum, the ark encounter, and the materials and videos ---- It has been very helpful here in east Asia. We really appreciate Ken Ham's work and ideas for education and a historical biblical worldview.


In fact, Calvinism is such, that if I am one of the elect, I'm happy to keep it that way. But If I'm not one of the elect, I cannot change that. Please provide me with a REAL reason why I should DO anything at all. Just the fact that I don't know whether I'm one of the elect or not is devastating in and of itself to the point that I fear The Almighty that much more. I try to please Him from when I wake up till bedtime and I run my audio Bible all night in order to stay in The Word even while I sleep. Nevertheless, neither fearing The Almighty, nor trying to do the things which please Him, nor staying in His Word 24 hours/day can change whether I'm one of the elect or not. How can you minister to someone like me?


1) Its not a re-creation of The Ark, it is a building that looks a bit boat shaped on one side.     2) It wasn't Ken's faith that led to it being built, it was people's financial contributions.     3) The insistence on Young Earth Creation (YEC) literalism has damaged people's faith and led to some people becoming atheists because they can't reconcile YEC with physical observations of the world and universe around us.


@Apologia Studios, does Ken have a doctorate? I love Ken, but I think he only has a masters degree unless he has gotten one since I checked.


One article says Ark Encounter’s Attendance and impact is Growing.
Another article says Ken Ham Blames Atheist For failing Noah’s Ark who are we to listen to?.


Isn’t the Creation Museum Kent Hovind and not Ken Ham? Okay there’s more than one creation museum, okay okay.


I am a Christian, and hence a creationist, in that I believe that everything that exists, exists because of the will of God.  However, I don't think that young earth creationism is credible.  With no disrespect to Mr. Ham, who I assume means well in promoting it, I think that YEC is making it more difficult for people in our world to believe the claims of Christ.


Amen, we should take back God's rainbow. It is God's property. I sure hope the Ark will flow if the rain floods Kentucky since flooding is everywhere.


man do you have any clips under 9 hours?


I didn’t know Jeff was a young earth creationist
