URANUS, RAHU & MARS Conjunction in Taurus. BIG NEW OPPORTUNITIES! World & Personal Predictions.

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URANUS, RAHU & MARS Conjunction in Taurus First Time Since 2300 years!
Uranus and the north node will become exact at 18° Taurus on 31st of july and the Mars conjunction becomes exact on 1st August. but mars will be conjunct Uranus and the north node by degree from 22nd july to 15th august.

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Does anyone else feel dread? My cancer sensibilities don’t feel comfortable with change.


Lada! Omg you’re such a beauty queen!! This coral color is your color!


Lada! This felt like the kind of energy that brought you so prominently into my life back in 2010. Of course, you look like you're beaming. Your hair and skin look fantastic. But the energy in this video feels palpable, electric! I'm so happy to hear about this new chapter for humanity from you. Blessings (and so much appreciation), always! 💐


Thank you, Lada. We are blessed to experience such rare events within our lifetime.


Thanks so much Lada. Please cover impact on specific signs in your follow on videos.!


My 8th house 😬 Jupiter and POF in Taurus. Slightly excited, but more terrified, honestly..
Lada, "blond hair don't care" and that sun kissed skin..ugh..you look so fresh! Gorgeous!


I admire your knowledge & gift of communication. Learn so much here. Specially how your gift shows empathy as your telling us about future energy. I meeaged late on night and told you about recently loss my daughter on Nov 18 eclipse and lad you knew she was a libra. So told me you were sorry for my child and I felt so tougher & honored that i actually got to communicate & your confirmation. So much I wish I knew about her lol


Enjoy everyday... tomorrow is not known thanks for being my teacher Lada


What an amazing time is arriving! I had no idea so many social and technical concepts emerged in 1991 and also the social organization 2300 years ago. Very interesting with the first dollar bills made of 'buck' skin; I just heard that China and Russia are in line to create a new 'fiat currency' and may divide the world into two independent economies.
Beautiful out look, you're ready for a second life crisis; I can see how that kind of passion can power whole new worlds into being. Thanks to this insight I feel much bolder about getting onboard this new world development.
Thank you Lada for the inspiration.


If you are familiar with these energies this is some gangsta energy possibly the most gangsta I could imagine


Thank you Lada. Fascinating! This is happening in my 2nd House. My husband and I receive a pension so Wow I hope that doesn’t go away we’ll be living off the land if that happens. 🫣😂🤔


I just give you a thumb up before even watching!


Wonderful informational reading. "Fore warned is fore armed"! Thank you, Lada.


This will happening in my 7h! Can’t wait to see how it plays out! SN is in my first house right now. Thank you for the knowledge!


Thank you Lada, just seeing the Dutch Farmers protesting and pondering if this conjunction in Taurus can give them more publicity and help all farmers be protected and supported…
With food shortages it seems insane how governments are attacking the ones 
growing the food🤦🏻‍♀
a quote: “if you want to say bad things about farming, don’t talk with your mouth full.”
🤗💖 you look great by the way!


22:19° Taurus rising here 🌟♉. Thank you for this heads up Lada. You are an angel 😇 You've been so helpful this year. 🙏💜 And your hair looks beautiful FYI 👌


Loved this !
Lada, You are my favorite Astrologer !
Such a wealth of information!
You make us all rich with your special gifts!
Thank You 🙏 💝💕💝💕💝🙏


Taurus rising! I've been feeling this for about two months now and had a dream about July 5th and serendipity, i'm finding out now about Mars in Taurus and allá that comes after! I'm about to start My YouTube channel, mega exited!


I have my N. node at 18°23 in my 1st house as a Scorpio rising with Uranus conjunct my ASC. This Aug 4 they will both be conjunct in my 7th house of Taurus. I knew nothing about Astrology when I began seeing 1222 to 5 months later learning it was my time of birth. My Sun is Aqua but it's in my 3rd house. From 2009 to 2017 were the hardest times of my life. I know 100 percent that nothing but good times ahead. Remember you are all unique with different aspects . If you are expecting a negative outcome then thats what you'll get


I feel like the sudden awakening/kundalini already happened to me around three years ago! My Uranus opposition was exact in 2021 but I had my "thunderbolt" about two years previous to that. It was so powerful and an incredible time in my life, as if nobody would believe me if I told them about what revelations I had.
The conjunction for me is in my third house, 3 degrees away from my natal Jupiter. It'll be interesting to see how that transpires.
