You Are Wrong Physicists! Michelson-Morley Expt. Is A Pseudo Expt. In Which Physics Loses Its Mind

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MY PHYSICS THEORY, PART 323 The Assumptions Of Physics About Light Have Not Been Proven By Any Experiments
according to my theory and my formulas
Physics Losing Its Mind In Michelson-Morley's Closed Dark Box
So far, physics, which allways talks about observation and experiment, has never observed the photon or light waves going from A to B. Does a single photon goes from A to B or not?
The phenomenon light-effect-trigger, which starts at point A, has a simultaneous effect in all directions after a certain period of time. What happens in the closed black box between A and B during this time? No one has ever observed this before. So the question that needs to be asked is what is possible in this closed black box during this time. After this reasoning we can again resort to observations and experiments. And we can reach completely different results consistent with experiments and observations. Here, the invisible thing that has the possibility of existing in the invisible universe that is closed to all observations is ELECTRON MOTION FORM: the unique source of light in our universes. This electron is not a vibrating probabillistic wave-like dimensionless point-like electron that quantum physics doesn’t know where it has escaped to. And almost all major experiments and observations support ELECTRON MOTION FORM that I put forth. Even Michelson-Morley experiment. Light speed is not a constant and light velocity depends on its source’s(EMF) velocity, motion direction and orientation. For instance Dawisson-Germer experiment and Thomson experiment are two of the proofs of this. Light speed is not a limit speed in our universes also. I will explain these in the next video.
-Physics Losing Its Mind In Michelson-Morley's Closed Dark Box, Pseudo Experiments/Irrational Physics
-You Are Wrong Physicists! Michelson-Morley Expt. Is A Pseudo Expt. In Which Physics Loses Its Mind
Metin Arıdaşır 10.09.2024
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