Kol Skywalker vs Kyle Katarn[Legends] #starwarslegends

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Kol scaling. Tho there’s ofc more statements than the ones I mention.

Legacy Jedi>NJO Jedi which would automatically put someone like Kol skywalker and T’srra above every previous Jedi except prob Jaina, Jacen, Luke and Leia.

Via Kol and Legacy Jedi statements. The Jedi of the Legacy Timeframe had basically expanded upon the NJO order and where stated to have grown in power above and Beyond Luke’s order for the most part.

As Legacy Jedi like Kol Should generally be above most of the NJO Jedi except for Jacen, Jaina, Luke.

Cade at his peak surpassed Jacen definitely.

So Kol should be above most of the NJO and i definitely have prime Cade above Kol via far better feats and statements.

I wouldn’t have Kol above the entire NJO era as that would likely be to big of a Leap but he would still be far average NJO Member and would probably be above the high tiers like Kyle/Kyp/Mara/Corran/Saba etc

Debunking Kol downplay.

Kol Skywalker was able to Speed blitz Darth Nihl.

Wolf Sazen get defeated by Darth Nihl Kol attacks Nihl faster than Nihl could react and takes him out of the fight. Then Kol Goes on to Battle the rest of The Sith and Stormtroopers wielding His and Wolf’s Lightsaber. Then after fighting the entire army weakening him he finally gets Killed by a surprise bolt of Lightning from behind by Darth Nihl.

As I’ve Explained Kol is definitely far Stronger than Nihl and only got killed when he was weakened and attacked from behind.


Faxx, kol skywalker was even compared with luke skywalker by the yuuzan vong, we never saw his true power, because he was holding back against the entire sith order because cade needed to escape and cole was making time for cade to escape


Kol Skywalker was the grandmaster of Jedi order of his time, it took all the sith order, including nihl and talon and so mucho more sith to kill him, I wonder what would happened if he survived, maybe he would've been the one who defeated krayt, he was so powerful and so underrated
