How To: Web Test In Jmeter (1 Min) | Http Response Assertion

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In this tutorial, you'll learn how to write a web test in Apache JMeter and perform assertions on http request/response.

Video Transcript:

Next, add a response assertion to the user's node and select the response code under fields to test. Click on the add button under patterns to test and type 200. You can also add a custom failure message you want to display when the test fails. Now, add the assertion results to the user's node.

Our test setup is now complete. To execute the test, click on the green start button. As you can see our test passed because the received response code was 200.

Now, watch what happens if I change the expected response code to 201 and re-execute the test. This time our test failed because we were expecting a response code of 201 but we received a response code of 200. There you have it.

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