Luisa Zissman on youth unemployment and zero hours contracts - Free Speech - BBC Three

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The person arguing for zero hour contract should work on zero hour contract for 1 year and pay all his bills on time than we talk


it doesn't just take 1 minute for some people like myself to find a job it takes going round with cvs going to interviews been rejected a lot of times before someone giving you a chance


When employers put a clause in their contracts stating they can't work for any other employer it causes problems for the employee. However, if employers took on employees on zero hours contracts with the freedom to choose which company they work for it would help the workers to secure the hours. For example, a worker has zero hour contracts with 2 companies. Company A has no work available on 1 week but company B has lots. It's a bit like working for an employment agency. The only difference is that you are the agency.


Is she for real? it's fucking hard for me to find a job even with an Engineering degree she thinks it's so easy to find a job just because she is so privledged and uses her looks to get ahead. It's so hard for BME & young people to find a job.


3 hours' work in 3 months is called being unemployed. that Luisa Zissman is dead fit tho.


Luisa Zissman is actually making the most sense here. Zero hour contracts is a step in the wrong direction, removing powers from the employee and giving them to the employer. One step closer to the wealthy practically owning the poor.


I tried to concentrate on the video topic, but kept getting distracted by Luisa’s legs


That guy, and a lot of these kids, still behave like kids. I'm 21, so I'm no expert, but most of these people still behave like children.


I'm on a zero hour contact and it's taking the p***


I hate this stupid zero hour contract why they are not going to give the proper fixed contract to the young people.Tories always have the lame excuses, Th truth is that United kingdom is expensive as compared to the other first world countries and there are not white collar jobs any more because they do not have any industries any more.The best is that they have to admit it


The guy is right everyone has a right to work I struggled getting work not everyone goes through the struggles alot of people get work easily which is unfair


If you're truly hardworking and able to change, then you can get a job in 24 hours of trying. That's how the poles have done it, they're willing to work hard, do something they're not used to and able to just get on with it. They've moved from a different country for a job, and most people don't want to even leave their local town, and yet complain. You're right, some towns/cities are harder than others, but if you truly want a job, move to a different area. Who said life was easy?
Also I have a zero-hour contract, works fine for me, and using the money to fund my own business.


Luisa is right, noones forcing a gun to your head to take thess jobs


She ended up marrying a millionaire and does real hard work making podcasts 🤣


So won't them all to have a punch up


The housing crisis is a problem of turning ever aspect of human existence into a profit making economy. The essentials of existence should be protected from the worst excesses of neo-liberal so-called 'free market' economics. The return of affordable council housing is the real solution to the current housing crisis. The value placed upon housing should not be a matter of financial 'exchange value' but rather one of 'use value'.
Another important issue, which is never discussed, is the fact that we live within a finite space, so building more and more housing to accommodate an ever increasing population is not a real solution either. Measures to control our population should be enacted, but I doubt this will ever happen as the wealth of the minority elite depends upon the existence of a surplus number of potential employees in competition for a limited number of job opportunities, enabling them to employ workers under unfair conditions and to pay low wages, increasing the surplus value achieved from labour and hence business profits. Consequently, the gap between the wealth of the minority at the expense of the majority continues to increase, while successive governments continue to support elite minority interest at the expense of everyday working people with impunity.
Slavery still exists in our modern world, only the terms under which the nature of slavery is being debated have changed.


If you want a job..get up..make some calls..go to businesses...make your own choices


Would Louisa have here business, had she not been on The Apprentice and Big Brother?


you would of thought with a head that giant he would of had a bigger brain and a better job.


I don’t believe for a second that not a single bar or restaurant near him was hiring, such rubbish he could have got a job, he just didn’t want to
