ON STAGE 2016 // KS28 L-Acoustics, the ultimate bass pump with JMSon

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Just presented in Frankfurt with its scary face, the KS28 begins to appear at the rate of deliveries from L-Acoustics, and in this game it was JMSon who caught the pompom first with no less than 32 new subs and 4 LA-RAK II. Watch this little movie. The image is distorted by the sound pressure of the KS28 ... Do not trust the sound, the camera microphone saturates completely ...
Tout juste présenté à Francfort avec sa bouille effrayante, le KS28 commence à apparaître au rythme des livraisons de L-Acoustics, et à ce jeu-là c’est JMSon qui a attrapé le pompon en premier avec pas moins de 32 nouveaux subs et 4 LA-RAK II. Regardez ce petit film. L’image est déformée par la pression sonore des KS28…Ne vous fiez pas au son, le micro de la caméra sature comme un malheureux...


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(Edit: I think I judged these boxes too early. I heard a flown cardioid KS28 setup yesterday night and it sounded great! I think it was the cardioid, as I’m used to that sound. But, I could feel these enough to dance to them for the first time!)
Original comment: I understand that a lot of people have liked these and apparently been to concerts with them and enjoyed it, but honestly all the concerts and festivals I’ve been to that used them, I have heard undefined muddy bass, barely audible without earplugs. This is a stark contrast to every live event I’ve been to that used the comparatively ancient D&B audiotechnik B2 sub, which does what commenters in this video are saying the KS28 can do: it vibrates my entire body enough to blur my vision!!! Really, shaking a camera lens with a dual 18” subwoofer and clipping the microphone is easy and not something to brag about. Just about any setup with that many subwoofers is going to do this. Maybe it’s just my luck, but I’ve yet to hear any l-acoustics subwoofer setup that I liked. Is this likely user error, or is it an actual performance issue?


this really has low end..I heard 24 of them


Great speaker not everyone know that inside the cabinet is two BMS neodymium 18" speaker and voice coil winding depth is 50mm


Better than sb series or just slightly changed box?


how much does it cost to get all this?
