Watch Dogs Review

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An excellent open-world action game with some unique hacking-magic that makes it a memorable game.

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this game isnt for everyone, it took me an hour to get hooked, and boy am i hooked


Wow it looks like I'm the only one who thinks aiden is a badass


Someone please tell me what the hell people hated about this game, I thought it was a really fun game, it played really well, graphics were good, story wasn't too bad so just what the hell was that hate all about


Look everyone. When Watch_Dogs first came out i thought it was crap too. But a week ago i bought it second-hand for 24 bucks and i'm glad i did. Seriously, it may not live up to the revolutionary standards set by Ubisoft, but it is a genuinely solid game. The graphics although not as shiny and polished as some other games, are still pretty good. The story is a bit stupid, but most of the hours i've spent playing it have been spent just doing side missions and faffing about in the open world. The map is quite detailed like this review says, it's very detailed and feels like a real place. The shooting and hacking are fun, and so is the driving. If you like Ps2-era driving games, then you'll like the driving in Watchdogs. I used to be like you, i posted multi-paragraph hate-comments about Watchdogs, but then i actually bought the game. C'mon guys, at least rent the game before you shit on it.


I disagree with the fact that you guys think Aiden is nothing more than blunt and boring. He IS blunt but I think it's because of his past, and because of the incident, his guilt and lack of trust for others. He's lonely and doesn't even want to be around his nephew or sister because of what happened and it has a big effect on him.


I don't care what any moaners say, I've been addicted to this since downloading it yesterday for my PS4, and was up till the early hours then up a few hours later playing again. I love it! A fuse between GTA and Splinter Cell (two of my favourite games) and works brilliantly. So much to do, so many side missions, collectables, upgrades, missions that actually give the player choice of how to tackle them.  Brilliant game!


I dun know why some ppl keep saying 'stop putting your expectations that high' or 'stop complaining' blah blah blah.
In fact, a single copy of this game costs  US$59.99!!!!  When it comes to such a high price, of course they should give us an excellent gaming experience.  
Remember!!! They're earning our money!!!


I'll never understand all the hate. Watch_Dogs is not a perfect game by any means, just don't go into it with unrealistic expectations. I finished it and found it to be a very enjoyable and satisfying experience. I later went on the internet and to my surprise, all I found was a plethora of extreme hate. I've played a lot of bad games in my day and Watch_Dogs is far from it.


A lot of people hated on this game because it’s was different from what was shown at E3, but still this game is great. I decided to try it because the complete edition was only US$7. I’ve just got platinum and I really liked it. Plus, I was surprised there was still many people playing online.


I hate games that give you a game over if you're discovered in a stealth mission. You should be forced to deal with your mistake, like in Metal Gear Solid.


Was a little disappointed with the result, after all the hype. However, I can't say I didn't enjoy it. Guess I need to keep waiting for a REALLY solid open world game, because GTA V was ALSO a disappointment to me.

Bring on the next Red Dead...


I'll get hate comments for this, but ... I like this game!

Yes, I am dissapointed that it is downgraded, but it is still lots of fun IMO and that's what matters to me


so i guess if a game doesn't get 10/10 u guys aren't buying? well have fun playing 3 games a decade! its soo much fun, if ur not buying ur loss! 


what is it with games lately having this slow motion super power? it takes all the realism away and makes it easy for a 5 year old to play


Having played Watchdogs everyday since it came out I can point out a few issues that everyone will agree with...
1. The constant cutting out of the radio right when your enjoying the one fucking good song for either a crime nearby or some shitty radio broadcast is so damn annoying I want to scream
2. Driving Mechanics suck
3. Graphics are pretty poor
4. No surprises or willingness to explore and find cool things in the map... Because there arent any.
Except for all those annoyances I'm actually enjoying the story and side missions.


People might argue, but this is better than GTA V


Yano, I don't care what most of you say. This game is amazing, the graphics on the xb1 look incredible even though it's not 1080 or 900, the driving in it isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be since it feels just like gtas, the story is amazing, the multiplayer is fun as hell if you play with friends, the map is big, and it's got quite a few funny parts. Your all stuck on the idea that if a game isn't a 9.5 - 10 it isn't worth it. Well guess what? Not every game can be a perfect 10. Only 6 games I've played deserve a 10 and that's TLoU, Halo 2, KH2, The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Silver and Gold & Mario Galaxy, all dam good games that deserve nothing but 10s yet half of them didn't get that and they still proved to be the most defining games of there generations, mainly Zelda which is still considered the best game ever made to date by many gamers and reviewers. How about you play the game before you diss it and respect the developers who spent months barley being with there loved ones to create this game for us rather then trash talking it. It's like you making Somthing your really proud of only to have people talk shit about it straight away, grow up and just enjoy the game


I have it for PC, and graphics are great. I like it!


Watch dogs graphics are some of the best for this gen!!! Environment and character models are great


I was really excited for this game but since I played GTAV my standards for new games are really high and so far watch dogs has been disappointing haha
