VOLLEY Tennis Lesson: Technique for ACCURACY & CONSISTENCY

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Best volley video out there. My go-to warmup drill when I practice is setting the ball machine centered in the alley, just behind the service line, feeding easy balls. My first action is volleys seeking good form and simply meeting the ball with some racquet rebound to float the ball back to the machine with ease. Also, the alley alignment makes me focus on returning balls only back into the alley, working on timing and racquet angle at the same time. My ball striking and accuracy in match play has improved tremendously in a few months by dedicating time a few times per week to these types of simple, but powerful, drills


AMAZING video! I’m a beginner and my pro just taught me the shot at the 15:40 mark. It’s a great description of how to hit that shot properly!!!!


Part geometry, part physics; with regard to the mechanics, motion and energy of tennis, I love how this guy coaches the science of the sport! If we understand the science behind our body positioning and motion in executing ball placement/manipulation we know how to correct through that self analysis!


A good drill for warm up, consistent volley is to have partner feed drop an hit from middle of service box to net player 5 to each side trying to keep the same ball in play. Player at net trying to hit volley to forehand of player hitting soft feeds to volley player. Purpose is to drill control and placement for each player. Players switch positions and we also include soft lob and overhead with swing to point of contact eventually. I learned this drill at DennisVan Der Meer’s Tennis University training for PTR Professional certification many years ago. I employed this drill as a warm up when coaching High School tennis instead of the usual start from baseline to baseline rally that is not focused on control and placement. After two rounds at net and feeding the players would move back and hit cross court and focus on control and placement. You got to do the drills to build the skills.


Essential tennis provide some of the best video learnings, to me, and I look at a LOT of instructional tennis videos. Thank you! I do agree with a prior poster, this guy incessantly wiping himself and being a nervous twitch was very distracting. Perhaps if this happens in the future, give him time to cool down before filming. Just a suggestion. Thanks again!


what rating is Kirby or no rating because just coach? Brilliant video and coaching.


Very fine lesson, Ian. Do they teach teaching at Ferris State?


Hey essential team!! I would like to know how to hit with nice clearence and spin over the net like Rafa does, would be possible?


@1:29, Dude - someone is talking to you, what are you doing walking away like that ? Geez...

and he does it again @ 1:47 !!


you should set up a tube donnation.... should we can buy you a cup of coffee.
