Talk To Camera CONFIDENTLY | 3 Tips in 3 Minutes

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Learn how to talk to camera with confidence and avoid the awkwardness. Here we go!

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_nice thanks for the tips_

_greeting from Bali island-indonesia volcano & nationalpark tour organiser._


I just make one vlog in which I talk to the camera, "What I Did Before Talking on Camera?" is I chit chat with my kids on the topic and when I felt talkative I start talking to the camera and it worked very well for me :D. Thanks for the tips which I noted and will try in my next episode and will see how much change brought those tips. See ya SOON!


Loved this, definitely took some notes! Thank you for the helpful knowledge! 💯✔️🙏


My hero! You will learn so much from him! Highly recommended!


I often gave to go back and re film the beginning of my vlog AFTER I’ve warmed up making the rest of it !


Thanks a lot for your tips! Do you have any advice on gaining fluidity of speech on camera? How do you speak to the camera fluidly, when you are someone who naturally has many pauses in sentences?


I got alot out of it.. amazing as always.. 😊👍😊


Definitely some helpful tips! Something to work on for us on our next adventure!


Grateful for all the knowledge you share Thomas. Loving your new content. Thank you!


For me always are difficult to talk in camera in the public places where are many people and especially in UK, because my English is far from good enough.


Thank you for all the top quality content made Thomas, learned so much from you! 🙏


Super helpful video, I tried once, it looked absolutely horrible, gonna try again. You got a good voice, good info 👌🏻


Thanks Thomas there are some very good tips here. I regularly make vlogs and I remember two instances about talking to camera or indeed acting in front of cameras. The first was David Niven the English actor I'm back in the, probably 1930s, when are paying in front of a camera was not commonplace his first screen test was a complete disaster and the director knew this was the case. They made the excuse that they needed just to do a re-run to test the camera, or some similar reasoning, and so they had to shoot the whole scene once more but it was insignificant and we're going to throw it away. Of course it was the first take they threw away and kept the second one because the second one was where David Niven was completely relaxed and came over much much better.
Secondly there was a program once about David Attenborough and it showed him on location talking to camera. I think he is a good example of slightly over exaggerating, and yes you do need the word slightly in there. Also you could see him rehearse in his head what he was going to say so that he wasn't thinking on his feet but knew in advance the sort of thing you was going to say. He would pace up-and-down and matter to him self the essence of his piece to camera and then turn and get on with it. Again is that preparation and state of mind just before you go into it that really works. My main distraction is that I don't always talk directly into the lens but often my line of sight falls on the monitor screen next to the lens and you can always notice this.
Finally can I say that in postproduction I really don't like the way I'm just talking to Cameron there are cutaway shots viewing the speaker from the side, it just really seems so unnatural and I find it extremely annoying and for the moment I haven't seen you do it so well done.


I think this set you were building is very cool. What camera do you shoot on? Also which softbox light do you use?
I just started following you and think your growth and journey are very compelling and inspirational. Then I saw your "This is my last video." Dude, you've got the magic. Get back on this channel. I have an idea I want to pitch to you. A great vehicle for you! Is there an email to reach you? Sean


True story, I also feel really awkward talking with the camera 😆It's really different than with the human.
The cure is simple, but not easy: practice 👍
Thanks for this video 😉


this video great. but I want to know how to I am making travel video script?


Awesome awesome awesome. Great video, love this topic! You are awesome


helpful video thanks for sharing brother


so basicly: don't get just fucking out of your comfort zone, expand it!


i just clicked here to see if you really look that handsome. Yes, its true.
