5 Tips For Skateboarding In Your 30's

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I've been skating most my life, now that I'm in my mid 30s I have to really think about thing. Here's my 5 practical tips for skating in your 30's

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I’m back skating in my 30s after a 7 year break and I honestly feel like if I carry on I’ll skate the best I ever have in my life ❤️


I skated for a year when I was 12 and I really regret giving up. So much that now I’m 32 and can’t wait to start again!


I’m 36 and skate with my 12 year old daughter. I get to do one of my favorite things with one of my favorite people. It’s reawaken my love for skating.


Be grateful that you are still riding as you get older (55 here ), as many have various reasons that they can't as much. There are always skaters that would kill for the time you have..
Bottom line - gratitude.. 💯♥️🤘👍


Started at 43 (now 45) and I found myself getting frustrated when I couldn't do things and I wanted to progress faster. I think the minute I accepted that skateboarding is really hard and takes years to get good at gave me a whole new perspective. I now enjoy every session I have even if I don't progress or I can't do the thing I did last time. Skating makes me feel good and smile and is making me fitter and stronger so for those reasons I love it. I also found that skating new parks makes you so much better riding over new transitions, banks and hips really develops your abilities. Also knowing when to not go skating to give your body a break really helps me.


In my sixties I just enjoy just getting on the board. I don't put pressure on having to try and do things that younger riders do.


Im 35, started skating 6 months ago….my biggest hurdle was self image. Getting over the fact that I was going to fall and not caring who sees you. Also research on skateboarding helps immensely! When trying to learn tricks I watch so many videos on just that one trick. Different perspectives and current content will never lead you wrong


Stretches are good. Sometimes I feel like that my body just doesn't really want to move. Streching and having a 10 minute warmup before skating helps not rolling my ankles or hurt my wrists when I slam


I'm 42. Left LCL has been twanging for over a decade now, so knee supports are a must. Up your fruit and veg intake, decrease the plainly-just-eating-crap. Start checking out yoga and don't dodge it, it's cheaper than codeine... Though differentiate between dynamic stretches before a session and static stretches to warm down (or any other time - just not before a sesh, they can mess with your skating even though you'll feel relaxed..!)
Early morning sessions if I can do it, but I'm way less functional/ awake then. Days off in the week during school hours can be amazing for hitting skateparks.
Lots of water in my bag and a very basic first aid kit including over the counter anti-inflammatories to stop any swelling asap.
Probably loads more stuff I forgot..!


37 here, been skating on and off since I was 10. It’s only in the last few years I’m taking recovery and my general health more seriously, and to me that’s keeping me rolling. Trying and landing some tricks I dreamed of in my 20s so I’m happy. Dare say after 40 it’ll be time to look at transition more. After a while gravity will be stopping that board flipping like it use too! Keep rolling dudes! 🤘


47 and I skate every day. Never stretch. Try to warm up though. Ease myself into each session. Also I don't skate when tired etc. That's easiest way to get injured.


I turn 31 this month and your videos always get me fired up to go skate! I broke my ankle skating several weeks ago and not being able to skate is killing me ha. The longevity thing is huge and I’ve decided personally for me when I start rolling again I’m going to commit to wearing a helmet all the time. I feel like as long as I protect the brain housing group I can recover from other injuries and keep skating 👊


Yes! Early morning sessions are becoming a part of my daily routine now. I get out 30-45 min before i gotta be at work and just skate. No plan or agenda. Just go out and play.

It is proving to be really helpful for both my mental and physical health.


41 and started skating this year with bad knees. Not super great idea but I keep it low impact.


I’m 26 and just bought my first board in over 10 years. Currently in the process of getting my body ready again. It’s tough. Being a multi sport athlete as well as 6.5 long years in the Army has me beat up but I’m motivated to feel better and to be better


Honestly, I'm days away from turning 37 and must say, the big thing is just to not quit. I'm very much a beginner actually, but even for me skateboarding is very rewarding (yes, in almost that childish way) when you start to land new stuff. And that's probably key to sticking with it. Find enough tricks you can learn fairly easily first, then continue with harder stuff, so progress is gradual and you're able to stick with it. Also, don't rule out the possibility of you ever learning certain (hard) tricks, as that genuinely makes no sense.


Skateboarding is the fountain of youth!!! Keep pushing!!!


(just turned 30 last may) I started skating again 2 years ago. I only skated when i was like 8 to 10 years old and was only riding. Now when i started again riding was no problem and felt really confident back on a skateboard, so i could try some ollies right from the start. My progression was insane the first 6 months.

Didn't skate much park this year cuz of work and all. But i'm lucky because i can skate flatground in my backyard. When i work at home i sometimes just take a break to skate 15 min. and try a few tricks and go back to work.

The tip about going early in the morning is a golden, think imma start with that soon!
Thanks for the tips man!


Great tips. Getting back into skating after 15 years off. 34 now. So stoked to ride my local park. Will be easing back into it with helmet, pads and lots of patience.
