Is The Gibson Les Paul Standard 60s Any Good?

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#lespaul @gibson#guitar #gibson @gibsonguitar

Signal Chain - GUITAR - Korg PitchBlack Pro Tuner - Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer - Dunlop KH95 Kirk Hammett Signature Crybaby Wah - MXR Smart Gate - AMP HEAD - Mesa Boogie Rectifier Oversized 4x12 Slant Cabinet - Neumann TLM 107 Microphone - Vintech Audio VA573 Microphone Preamp - API Lunchbox 8 Chassis - Universal Audio Apollo 16b Audio Interface - MacBook Pro 16 M2 Pro - Universal Audio Luna

Amp Heads Used:
Mesa Boogie F-100
Marshall JCM 800 2203X
Mesa Boogie Mark IIb
Peavey 6505+
Friedman Runt 50
Fender Super Sonic 22
Marshall JCM 25/50 2555X Silver Jubilee

00:00 Intro
00:50 Mesa Boogie F-100 |TS9 Boosted |KH95 On Lead |Drop B
02:48 Quick Specs
04:04 Marshall JCM 800 2203X |E Standard
05:11 Mesa Boogie Mark IIb |Drop D
06:20 Peavey 6505+ |Eb Standard
07:28 Friedman Runt 50 |Drop C#
08:36 Fender Super Sonic 22 |Drop C
09:45 Clean Pickups |Marshall JCM 25/50 2555X Silver Jubilee |E Standard
10:38 Light Drive Pickups |Marshall JCM 25/50 2555X Silver Jubilee |E Standard
11:24 Potentiometers |Marshall JCM 25/50 2555X Silver Jubilee |E Standard
13:27 VS Gibson Les Paul Standard 50s |Marshall JCM 25/50 2555X Silver Jubilee |E Standard
14:30 Is It Any Good?
Рекомендации по теме

I love my 60’s plain top in cardinal red! It’s as mean as I feel like, playing Melvin’s riffs and she’s sweet playing blues riffs but now I find myself playing a lot more rock riffs using just a TS808 pushing my Marshall green channel


Man, that second tune, the slower one where you were using the middle potion (and maybe neck). Just amazing!! And sounds amazing too! I’m not into super high gain stuff, but the slightly cleaner, “chimey” stuff you were doing, just sounded so great.


I love it that guitar is a work of art specially if your playing gibson since 89', highly recommended!


Great playing dude, this is the exact guitar I’m trying to save for currently…really helpful video👍🏻


I love my Standard '60s (unburst) - those Burstbucker pickups breathe fire. I prefer the slimmer neck profiles in general, although I don't mind the baseball bats - it's just a different feel. Anyway, thanks for the review - I always enjoy watching other guitar enthusiasts share their passion for the instrument.


I made a comment on FB that I hate the look of locking tuners and the benefit is questionable other than changing strings. They are STILL hollering at me 5 months later. It’s glorious


Great video bro. Got a new subscriber here. I recently bought a 2023 60s standard, the quality, fit n finish, tone and feel was so superb I went ahead and got a 2023 50s standard as well. And it is just as amazing. Gibson has really stepped it up lately. Question for you, I noticed a lot of guys like Joe Bonamassa all string their LPs with the strings AROUND the bridge. Why is that? What is the purpose???? Tuning stability?


Good playing, a lot of these videos have good players but sound generic, you have your own style which is cool!


Bourbon Burst, right? I got mine yesterday, it batters my 2016 Standard, wonderful guitar


Thanks! Great review! What year? Im hunting a used model with same specs. Hand wired, no pcb? Thanks


Just came off a video that said the 60s standard doesn’t handle much heavier than classic rock. I laughed cause my 50s standard and your 60s standard pedal to the metal for sure.


Hello, I m about to buy the gibs LP standard, still thinking about the charvel promod know it s a big price difference, what would you do in such situation....honestly I think I l l buy the gibson and then the charvel, also have a fender strat MIM


Awesome video, and somewhat amusing timing! I'm waiting for the new one that showed up today to acclimate along with my girlfriend. Yeah, thanks again internet, thanks again.


i'm not the grammar police.

i do have both LP's and they're night and day when it comes to the neck.

strange but true my 50's LP is a bit lighter than the 60's LP
yeah the pricing is up there but had to buy 'em.
about the locking tuners no i don't think you're crazy
i have a prs with the locking tuners installed.
you know that brand new string sound you have it seems to have less of that
it's weird maybe i'm the crazy one


Sounds like you’re in a pretty low tuning. What tuning would that be, and does the 24.75” scale length support it well?


How was the factory setup when you got it?


Why Gibson doesn’t release a modern vintage line is beyond me. Vintage style but locking tuners. A high end TOM and stop bar bridge with locking saddles or just a high end unit designed to modern specs but made to look vintage and original. Do the axcess neck and joint, and then some modern humbuckers able to do more than the occasional coil split. Compound radius, super thin neck, neck through, etc. but the thing is built to look like a vintage instrument, not a modern instrument. Kind of like with the custom shop American Stratocasters. Made to look like a vintage 50-60s strat, but with modern specs.


Just New idea gibson les paul metal series or hardcore series or grunge series in colour or progresive metal meybe just colour in body


Imho, it would be more professional to revise your title. "How good is the Gibson Les Paul..." The current phrasing is a bit a ridiculous.
